Palestinian Territories

Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George Mitchell Travel (Apr. 6)
Special Envoy Mitchell will travel to the Middle East beginning April 13 to advance the goal of the two-state solution and comprehensive peace in the region. He is scheduled to meet with key officials in Israel and the Palestinian territories, Egypt, the Gulf, and North Africa. Special Envoy Mitchell's aim for this trip is to discuss next steps in moving the parties toward a lasting peace that will benefit all the people of the region.

Palestinian Security Forces Training Center Opens (Mar. 17)
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) David Johnson and Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad formally opened the Presidential Guard Training Center in Jericho. The training center was built with $10.1 million of State Department assistance. More

U.S. Welcomes Agreement on Gaza Weapons Smuggling (Mar. 16)
The Department of State welcomes the March 13 agreement in London by representatives of nine countries (Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States) on a program of action in response to concerns over continued smuggling of weapons into Gaza. More

United States Assistance to the Palestinians (March 2)

Secretary Clinton: Travel to the Middle East and Europe, March 1-7, 2009
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton travelled to Egypt, Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Belgium, Switzerland, and Turkey from March 1 to 7, 2009. More on travel | Photo Gallery

Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George Mitchell Travel (Feb. 24)
Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George Mitchell travelled to the Middle East and Europe from February 23 to March 4. On this trip, Special Envoy Mitchell met with senior officials to discuss the peace process as part of our ongoing efforts to actively and aggressively seek a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians, as well as between Israel and its other Arab neighbors. Special Envoy Mitchell also joined Secretary Clinton in Egypt for the March 2 Donors Conference for Gaza recovery.

Gaza Humanitarian Relief (2/12/09)