Mark Recovery Entry

This form can be used to submit recovery information for survey marks to the National Geodetic Survey. If the data sheet for this mark shows a recovery within the past 12 months and the status has not changed, please do not report it.

Enter PID:

Select condition of mark:

     For Destroyed condition, see Note below

Note:  For destroyed marks do one of the following:

1) If you have found the actual marker separated from its setting, you can report the point as destroyed. To do so please send the report on the destroyed mark as an email to Deb Brown ( If you send this email, please do not submit the current form, Deb Brown will submit the report for you. In addition, please submit proof of the mark's destruction via actual disk, rubbing, photo, or digital picture (preferred) to Deb Brown:

                     Deb Brown, N/NGS143
                     National Geodetic Survey, NOAA
                     1315 East West Highway
                     Silver Spring, MD  20910

2) If you did not find the actual marker, then you should enter notes concerning evidence of its possible destruction as text records and select "Not recovered, not found" as the condition of mark.

Enter agency code of the recovering organization/agency:

If you do not know your approved agency code, you can generate the latest contributors' list from NGS' integrated database (NGSIDB). On this list the agency code starts in column 1 and the agency full name follows it. The list is sorted alphabetically by agency code. If your agency or firm is not on this list and you would like to be assigned a specific agency code, please contact Deb Brown at NGS to make the appropriate arrangements.

Enter initials of the person who recovered the mark (Optional):

The date of recovery must be expressed as a numerical month (between 1 and 12), a numerical day of the month, and a four character numerical year. The month, day, and year may be separated by spaces or by commas.

Valid examples are:
4,25,1998 for April 25, 1998
4 25 1998 for April 25, 1998

The current program is not valid for dates before 1990.

Enter date of recovery:

Enter your name and email address:

Privacy Statement: Your name and email address will be used only to contact you if there is a problem in loading your recovery. They will not be used for any other purpose.

Enter name:               
Enter email address:

You can, if you wish, enter up to 15 lines of text in the space below. Actually, 15 lines means 15 Carriage Returns. I.e., if you use the wrap-around feature you can actually enter up to 6 lines of text for each of those 15 lines.

The only characters that are allowed are: letters, numbers, blank or space ( ), comma (,), period or decimal (.), apostrophe or single quote ('), asterisk (*), plus sign (+), minus sign or hyphen (-), equal sign (=), slash (/), left parenthesis ((), and right parenthesis ()).

Warning: Do not enter personal phone numbers.

Note: Text such as RECOVERED AS DESCRIBED, or MARK NOT FOUND, or DESCRIPTION IS ADEQUATE, etc. is not necessary.

For assistance contact Deb Brown