
Invasive Management Area (IMA) Volunteer Program

Wavy Leaf Basket Grass (Oplismenus hirtellus ssp.) has been found in Fairfax County. Maryland has been working at eradicating this highly invasive grass. They originally spotted it in 1996. Learn more about this new invader.

IMA Leader and volunteers remove kudzu from Lake Accotink Park.

Climbing vines a problem? Shrubs with thorns keeping you from exploring the woods? Many invasive plants are preventing us from enjoying our forests and are degrading our natural ecosystems.

Want to help with parkland restoration or use cool tools? Students or scouts, do you need to earn some community service hours?

IMA is the program for you! Check out our Web site, then call or email us to get involved and help remove non-native invasive species and plant native species.

What is IMA?

The Invasive Management Area (IMA) Volunteer Pilot Program is a community-based project designed to reduce invasive plants on our parklands. This unique, volunteer-led program gives residents an opportunity to connect with people while taking care of the natural resources around us. IMA enables community members to help protect the plants and wildlife of Fairfax County's forests while spending time outdoors, meeting new people and restoring natural habitats.

IMA is more than just pulling weeds. Key components of this program are habitat restoration and a long-term commitment to the park. Invasive plant species are difficult to remove and control, but with the help of IMA volunteers, undesirable non-native, invasive plants are removed manually and native plants returned to the habitat.

The IMA pilot project began in 2006. The goals are:

  • Focus community support and momentum to do something about non- native, invasive plant and animal species
  • Garner more community involvement and support
  • Educate the public about the effects of non-native, invasive plant and animal species
  • Participate in outreach opportunities regarding non-native, invasive plant, and animal species
  • Develop healthy woodlots with uneven-aged stands of mixed trees, shrubs and ground cover with a floor of leaf litter and debris that are free of invasive plant species

Currently, funding is provided by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors in support of the Environmental Agenda. Additional funding is provided by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grant Program.

IMA Invasive list:

Although the prevalence of invasive, non-native plants throughout parkland is of concern, habitat recovery following an invasion is still a relatively new concept. For the IMA pilot project, ten species were selected as a focus for study.

English Ivy threatens the health of this tree

The dominant plant in the understory of this forest is stiltgrass

Winged Euonymus or Burning Bush can escape cultivation and grow in the woods

Mile-a-Minute grows very fast forming a dense carpet

Japanese Barberry threatens the forest by altering soil pH and nutrients

Kudzu smothers all plants in the forest from the understory to the treetops

Oriental bittersweet vines around trees, choking off the supply of water, nutrients and sunlight.

Once touted for its benefits to birds, Autumn olive, has now out-competed much of the other vegetation in some stream valleys.

Garlic mustard has been linked to poor regeneration of our native oak-hickory forests

Porcelianberry, looking a lot like grape, climbs into the treetops, breaking branches and toppling the trees

We thank our many partners for their continued support:

  • Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District
  • Earth Sangha
  • Fairfax ReLeaf
  • Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services
  • Virginia Native Plant Society, Potowmack Chapter
  • Friends of Riverbend Park
  • Reston Association
  • Weed Warriors, The Nature Conservancy
  • Audubon at Home
  • Northern Virginia Conservation Trust
  • Potomac Conservancy



[ 12055 Government Center Pkwy. Suite 927, Fairfax, VA 22035 ]  [ 703-324-8702 ]
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