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Detailed project information for
Study Plan Number 03004

Branch : Southern Appalachian Field Branch
Study Plan Number : 03004
Study Title : Modeling stand vulnerability and biological impacts of the hemlock by the hemlock woolly adelgid
Starting Date : 06/01/1998
Completion Date : 12/31/2003
Principal Investigator(s) : Young, John; Clark, Joe; van Manen, Frank; Ross, Robert M.
Primary PI : van Manen, Frank
Telephone Number : (865)974-0200
Email Address :
SIS Number : 5002120
Primary Program Element : Invasive Species
Second Program Element : Plants and Plant Communities
Status : Completed
Abstract : Within the last 2 decades, substantial declines in eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) have been observed throughout its range, resulting in widespread federal and state concern. Widespread hemlock defoliation has largely been attributed to the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae), an exotic aphid-like insect that is native to Japan. In a recent bio-control workshop, 32 federal, 4 state, 6 private, and 11 university experts ranked the hemlock woolly adelgid as the most serious exotic pest in the east but also as the one with the most potential for biocontrol. The adelgid is expected to continue to spread and the entire hemlock forest ecosystem in the east may be threatened. The impact of the removal of this important climax forest species on the ecology of Appalachian forests is poorly understood, but has the potential for significant disturbance to biotic communities.
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