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Detailed project information for
Study Plan Number 03001-05

Branch : Southern Appalachian Field Branch
Study Plan Number : 03001-05
Study Title : Rarity status and predictive modeling for four Southern Appalachian endemic vascular plant species
Starting Date :
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SIS Number : 5002194
Primary Program Element : Endangered and At-Risk Species
Second Program Element : Status and Trends
Status : Completed
Abstract : Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) provides the largest potential habitat for four narrow endemic vascular plant species; they are, Calamagrostis cainii (Cain's bent-grass), Cardamine clematitis (Mountain bittercress), Glyceria nubigena (Smoky Mountain mannagrass), and Rugelia nudicaulis (Rugel's ragwort). All four are Species of Concern having populations within GRSM at elevations above 1,100 meters. Based on current data, the ranges of C. clematitis and R. nudicaulis occur in, but are not restricted to, sites dominated by Fraser fir (Abies fraseri), also a Species of Concern. The other two species, C. cainii and G. nubigena, appear to have very restricted ranges within GRSM and are, in part, being affected by trail maintenance and recreational activities. Threats to these four species are not fully known at this time, but there are a number of forest health concerns that will undoubtedly affect the species dependent on these high elevation ecosystems.
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U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey
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Last Modified: October 21, 2002 dwn
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