MEPS-HC Variable Locator for Medical Event Files

Dwelling unit x x x x x x x x  
Person x x x x x x x x  
Event x x x x x x x x x
Flat fee group   x x x x x x x  
Round number x x x x x x x x  
Condition                 x
Link to prescribed medicines                 x
Date of event   x   x x x x x  
Quantity/frequency/length of visit x     x       x  
Type of provider x x x     x x x  
Procedures   x   x x x x x  
Due to accident or injury   x              
Was medicine prescribed   x   x x x      
Medication name/code x                
MPC data flag       x x x x    
# condition records linked to event x (a) x (a)   x (a) x (a) x (a) x (a) x (a)  
ICD-9 diagnosis codes x x (c)   x x x x    
ICD-9 procedure codes   x (c)   x x x x    
Modified clinical classification codes x x (c)   x x x x    
Multum Lexicon variables x (f)                
In person or telephone           x x    
VA facility       x x x x    
Stem or leaf   x x x x x x x  
Visits in flat fee   x x x (d) x (e) x x x  
Source of payment (c) x x x x x x x x  
Total expenditures x x x x x x x x  
Expenditure imp. flags (c)   x x x x x x x  
Total charges   x x x x x x x  
HH preimputed/MPC unimputed expenditures   x x x x x x x  
Person weight x x x x x x x x  
Stratum x x x x x x x x  
PSU x x x x x x x x  

Appendix 1: List of Data Files
MEPS event file names:
  HC-010A – HC-010I = 1996 Event Files
  HC-016A – HC-016I (plus HC-042 File 2, supplement to HC-016F) = 1997 Event Files
  HC-026A – HC-026I = 1998 Event Files
  HC-033A – HC-033I = 1999 Event Files
  HC-051A – HC-051I = 2000 Event Files
  HC-059A – HC-059I = 2001 Event Files
  HC-067A – HC-067I = 2002 Event Files
  HC-077A – HC-077I = 2003 Event Files
  HC-085A – HC-085I = 2004 Event Files
  HC-094A – HC-094I = 2005 Event Files
  HC-102A – HC-102I = 2006 Event Files
  A = Prescribed Medicines (RX)
  B = Dental Visits (DV)
  C = Other Medical Expenses (OM)
  D = Hospital Inpatient Stays (IP)
  E = Emergency Room Visits (ER)
  F = Outpatient Department Visits (OP)
  G = Office-Based Medical Provider Visits (OB)
  H = Home Health (HH)
  I = Appendix to MEPS Event Files
Appendix 2: Notes on Availability of Variables
(a) Data item included only in 1996 and 1997 releases. 
(b) Family, Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance, Veterans, Tricare, Other Federal, State/Local Government, Workers Compensation, Other Private Insurance, Other Public Insurance, Other Insurance
(c) Data item included only in 1996 release.
(d) Data item not included in 1997 release.
(e) Data item not included in 1997, 1999 or 2001 release.
(f) The Multum Lexicon variables are available on HC-068, Multum Lexicon Addendum Files for 1996 through 2001. For 2002 and subsequent years, these variables are on the Prescribed Medications Event files.