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The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has supported the DOE Hydrogen Program for more than 20 years, providing education and technical information. This year NREL will support DOE in Hydrogen Education by conducting Web site operations and maintenance for DOE's Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Infrastructure Technologies Program. NREL will also help coordinate and provide technical support to DOE in the creation of a Hydrogen Education Review Panel. The panel aims to facilitate coordination of educational activities among partners with objectives that are national in scope.

NREL's Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Education Task coordinates its activities with NREL's Office of Education Programs, which manages programs and competitions for K-12 students, research internships and fellowships for university students, partnerships with postdoctoral researchers and research associates, and programs for teachers.

Hydrogen and fuel cell information for students and teachers is available at:

Contact: Melanie Caton (303) 275-3832


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Content Last Updated: July 25, 2008