Mayor Fenty DC Guide Residents Business Visitors District of Columbia Government Kids
Infrastructure & Environment: Creating a Sustainable City for the 21st Century

We have the power to create a sustainable city of the 21st century. To be a sustainable city, the District of Columbia must be a learning city, a safe city, a healthy city, a caring city, and a city of opportunity. In essence, the government of the District of Columbia must be a visionary organization able to stimulate progress while preserving our core values and natural resources.

Begin a Rush Hour Towing Pilot Program (30 days)

Endorse the US Conference of Mayor’s Climate Protection Agreement (30 days)

Implement traffic calming measures in targeted neighborhoods (30 days)

Ensure coordination between DPR and MPD to bring community policing activities into the Parks (30 days)

Introduce a revised taxi zone map (30 days)

Nominate Appointments to WASA Board of Directors (30 days)

Nominate Appointments to WMATA Board of Directors (30 days)

Break ground on the Navy Yard Metro expansion in the ballpark area (30 days)

Ensure seasonal readiness of parks and recreation facilities (60 days)

Ensure that a senior executive official will be a key figure in the Inter-Municipal Agreement (IMA) Negotiations currently ongoing between WASA and surrounding jurisdictions (60 days)

Provide administrative and technical support for transfer of stormwater functions from WASA to DDOE (60 days)

Plant more than 3,000 trees (90 days)

Eliminate 150 Vehicles from the District’s light vehicle fleet (90 days)

Consolidate waste collection activities into the Department of Public Works (90 days)

Restructure the task-oriented routes currently in place for waste collection, to increase worker efficiency and workplace safety (90 days)

Support a DPR "Get-Fit" Campaign. (90 days)

Hold a Mayoral Recognition Awards for DPR Partners (90 days)

Begin the 2007 local infrastructure program, including repaving more than 50 miles of local streets, reconstructing sidewalks on more than 50 streets and rehabilitating more than 20 alleys (100 days)

Fund planning for the development of two new recreational centers (100 days)

Conduct traffic safety audits in each Ward of the city (100 days)

Identify funding and begin clean up of recreational facilities in critical need of improvement (100 days)

Launch Street Smart traffic safety education program for drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists (100 days)

Propose legislation to extend license renewal requirements to 8 years (100 days)

Propose legislation to extend inspection intervals for new vehicles from 2 years to 4 years (100 days)

Transfer all District tree maintenance responsibilities to DDOT Urban Forestry Administration (see page F-13 of budget). (6 months)

Coordinate efforts among local and federal agencies to inventory, assess, and manage the District’s green space. (6 months)

Analyze governmental facility energy use to identify savings and efficiencies (6 months)

Break ground on a streetcar maintenance facility. (1 year)

Expand Circulator service into additional neighborhoods. (6 months)

Install fuel rings (wireless device attached to the car to track gas purchases and consumption) on all District vehicles. (9 months)

Do a demonstration project to retrofit District buildings with green roofs. (1 year)

Institute photo ticketing by street sweepers – sweepers will photograph vehicles parked in the street-sweeping lane, and a citation is then mailed to the violator. (1 year)

Convert all DC government heavy vehicles using diesel fuel to ultra-low sulfur fuel (1st year)

Break ground on Phase II of the Metropolitan Branch Trail (1st year)