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Korea Local time: 01:22 AM

Welcome to U.S. Commercial Service Korea!

IPR Toolkit

What's New!

U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement
On June 30, 2007, the United States and Korea signed an historic free trade agreement that will expand bilateral trade and investment ties and create new economic opportunities for people in both countries.  It is quoted as being the most commercially significant in over 15 years. To view the proposed text, click "here" .  To learn more about the U.S.- Korea FTA, please visit the following links:

- U.S. Trade Representative
- American Chamber of Commerce in Korea

Explore Asia Now Program. To learn more, click "here".

• Protect your intellectual property rights. To learn more, click "here".

• Looking for market research on Korea? Click "here" for the list of market reports completed...

Upcoming Events!


Seoul Air Show Logo• Seoul Air Show 2009
October 20-25, 2009

The Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition is the leading ground and air forces exhibition to promote sales to the Korean armed forces.  To learn more about the U.S. pavilion, please click here.

• Business Opportunities in the Islands, 2009

The Department of the Interior's Office of Insular Affairs is organizing its Fifth Conference on Business Opportunities in the Islands to be held April 6-8, 2009, in Honolulu, Hawaii. The conference will concentrate on increasing awareness in Asia and around the Pacific Rim of business opportunities in the U. S. Territories and Freely Associated States. Islands represented at the conference include American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Republic of Palau, and the U. S. Virgin Islands.

We invite relevant businesses from South Korea to attend the conference, specifically those engaged in the following areas and industries:

  • Large-scale public infrastructure work of all types
  • Alternative/Renewable Energy
  • Construction projects associated with the military construction on Guam
  • Tourism of all kinds

Information regarding prior conferences can be found at

• Cable TV Trade Mission to South Korea
June 3-5, 2009
Apply by
April 24, 2009
Learn more/register:

The mission will take place in conjunction with the 2009 South Korea Cable TV Association Trade Show, and participants will benefit from one-on-one business meetings with prospective agents, distributors, and end-users. Participating companies will meet with Korean Cable TV system operators, program providers, and terrestrial TV and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) service providers during the course of the show. They will also be provided with updates on major projects, Embassy business briefings; and networking receptions, in one of the world's most wired countries, with a booming cable industry. U.S. companies working with computer software, films/video, information services, and telecommunications equipment and services are encouraged to attend. For more information , please contact Karen Dubin, , at 202-482-3786, or at (202) 482-3786..

Recent Market Research

Click "here" to sign up for an ID and password. You will be approved/disapproved within three working days.

Internship Opportunities!

•Be a part of the U.S. government's front-line agency promoting U.S. business interests abroad. Intern at the U.S. Commercial Service in Korea!