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The mission of the Chemicals Team is to facilitate and expand global business opportunities for the U.S. Chemicals Industry.  The Team achieves its objectives through a variety of programs, including the Department Manufacturing and Standards Initiatives, trade policy negotiations, domestic and international regulatory analyses, and business counseling.

 The Team's client companies range from some of the world's largest corporations, such as Dow, Dupont, and BASF, to large, medium, and small specialty manufacturers.  The Team maintains close relationships with a wide variety of domestic and foreign-based companies as well as their respective trade associations.

Team personnel actively participate in a number of priority policy initiatives.  The Team co-leads (with USTR) the Industry Trade Advisory Committee and the APEC Chemicals Dialog.  The Team also provides principal staff support to the negotiations taking place under the aegis of the World Trade Organization, Free Trade Agreements arrangements, as well as Multilateral Environmental fora.


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