18 prevents denudation is the same as the new factor essential for the growth of rats. Further work is being conducted on this subject. Pneumonia Since the opening of the hospital, Dr. Cole and later Dr. Avery and his associates have been intereeted In reepiratory diseases, partlcu- larly lobar pneumonia. Mach of the fundamental work on this disease has been conducted in the Rockefeller Hospital, and as a result of this activi- ty a method of treating the malady by immune serum was elaborated, At first the Berum was made in horese. Later Dr. Qoodner end Dr. Horsfall showed that serum prepared In rabbits poeeessed qualities superior to thoee of ant ipneuntococcal horse serum. For a few years the treatment of pneumonia by antlpneumococcal rabbit serum gave highly satisfactory results and this serum would have been universally used within a short time if it had not been for the appearance upon the scene of eulfapyridlne. The relative chaapnesa of the drug and the ease with which practislng physfcians oan ad- minister it orally made it obvious that within a abort time thle or some closely related drug would for the most part supplant the u8e of serum in the treatment of pneumonia. As a matter of fact this bae already OCCuTred~ Despite the obviouB value of the new drugs, Bulfapyridine and sulfathiaaole, Dr. Avery and hie aseociatee believe that there is still use, under certain conditiona, for antipneumococcal rabbit serum, particularly when it is employed In combination with the drugs. Type III pneumonia iB one Of the mOBt fatal and al.80 one of the most difficult diSeaSeB t0 treat. During the years 1936-38 26 patients `with Type III pneumonia were treated with antipneumococcal rabbit serum alone and seven of these died, a mor- tality rate of 27 per cent. In the past two years only one patient has died 19 In a group of 20 treated with the combination of serum and sulfapyridine, a mortality rate of 5 per cent. The Introduction of sulfapyrldine in the treatment of pneumonia naturally created interest in many centers of research in regard to how this particular drug acts as a ourative agent. Does it act directly upon the pneumococcus or Indirectly through changes In the physiology of the patient? Dr. Avery and his associates have attacked this problem by gradually accli- matizing pneumococci to concentrations of sulfapyridine that would ordinarl- ly be lethal for these organisms. After this acclimatization has taken place, the pneumococci morphologically, immunologically, and In regard to virulence appear unchanged. On the other hand, it was easily shown that the drug-fast etralns had undergone marked physiological alterations in that certain of their enzyme systems (systems having to do with metaboliem) had been suppressed. Almost from the time that sulfapyridine was introduced into the physiclansts armamentarlum it was notioed that It would not act upon pneumo- cocci in collections of pue in the pleural cavity or in localized abscesses in other parts of the body. A number of explanationa have been offered for the inefflcaoy of the drwg under euah oonditiona. Dr. Ma&sod on Dr,,, Avery's eervioe hm ehoun that .rt. least one reaau why the dnrg is impotent under the aonditlonr mentioned %a,.that $a purQsat materials there oaoIare a eubm stanoe nhioh markedly inhlbita the baoterlcldal action of the drmg in: the test tube. - Thie eubrtanoe hae been irolated and partially purified; but its nature is a8 yet not known: further work fe being conduoted along t&se linee. When the sulfonamide drugs more or less supplanted the UB0 of im- mune serum in the treatment of pneumonia, it appeared for a short time that 20 the work on pneumonia at the Rockefeller Hospital might, be forgotten or overshadowed by the striking results obtained with the drug. Fortunately, however, Drs. Dubos and Hot&kiss have kept the Hospital in the front line of chemotherapeutic attack against Infectious diseases by the discovery, purification, and crystallization of a new chemical substance capable of attacking all gram-positive organisms so far tested. (The bat terial world is divided into two parts on the basis of the manner in which different microorganisms react to a stain devised by Professor Christian Gram; those organisms that retain the stain are said to be gram-positive, while those not retaining It are classified as gram-negative.) The substance mentioned has been obtained from a gram-positive soil bacillus ; in fact from this soil bacillus there have been extracted several substances which are highly active against gram-positive organisms, e.g., pneumococci, ma streptococci, when tests are carried out in test tubes. One of the BUbStBnCeS, which has been crystallized and Is Called gramicldin, kills gram-positive organisms both in the teet tube and in mice. These results were quite dramatic. However, when the material was used in dogs, it was soon found that the toxicity of the new chemical for this species of animal was greater than for the mouse, and that experimental pneumonia in dogs oould not be successfully combatted by the material In its preeent form. ,Thees findings prevented the Immediate UBB of. the drug for the treatment of pneumonia In human beings. Dseplte the faot that gramioldia~ in its present state is not SatiBfaCtOry for the treatment of pneumonia in human beings, the enthusiasm of the workers haa not been dampened, because they realize that they pas- 888s a new lead for the chemotherapeutic treatment of infectious diSSaSf3B in general. This realization has induced them to continue their work on I 21 J .' the chemical structure of the substance, with the result that considerable ; / information concerning the size and constituents of molecules of the ma- terial has been obtained. At the present time it is known that gramici- din is essentially a polypeptide to which is linked a fatty acid chain. This knowledge regarding gramicidln has already caused the workers to seek similar substances with bactericidal action, and a number have been found, Although gramicldin has no immediate value in the treatment of pneumonia, its employment by means of local application may have a wide- spread use in the treatment of wounds and local infections. Indeed, sev- era1 workers In this country and abroad are Investigating whether gramici- din Is of value in the treatment of war wounds. Rirthermore, Dr. Dubos and Dr. Little of the Princeton branch of The Rockefeller Institute have shown that gramicidln, when administered locally In small amounts of a bland oil, is valuable in the treatment of mastitis of cows. Dr. John Mohler of the Bureau of Animal Industry, because of results obtained in the Walker Gordon cows, has become interested In this method of treating a disease of great economic importance, Dr. Goodner, on Dr. Avery's service, has been investigating mech- anisms of resistance to infeotion other than those covered by the term an- tibody or immune SUbBhnOe in abruIn. He bellsvea that,the physiological . . i . . i, atate of an animal plays a part in natural resistance and that this physio- logical state is influenced by diet. By feeding mice unaccustomed diets he was able to show that certain vegetables, fruits, grains and herbs pos- sess something which increases the resistance of mice to pneumococoal in- factions, while other substances of a similar nature do not. The nature of the substance or substances possessed by the effective foods has not been definitely determined. 22 For a number of years workers in Dr. Avery's laboratory have been interested in the chemical constitution of the CapSUl8 or the covering Of the pneumococcus. The capsule is a very important part of this microor- ganism, because it determines Its type specificity and also is essential for its disease-producing characteristics. Information obtained during the' course of a number of years regarding the chemical constitution of the cap- sules of eeveral types of pneumococci has shown that they are composed of complex sugare. Tne capsule of Typo III pnoumococcus has been difficult to analyze, but it is believed that during tho past year Dre. Goobol and Adams have at last dotormined Its structure. Rheumatic Fever Dr. Swift and his associates for a number of years have been en- deavoring to find the cause of rheumatic fever and have been collecting data which eventually will permit of an accurate description of the natural history of the disease. Many ideas regarding the cause of this malady have been set forth: the most generally accepted one is that the hemolytic streptococcus plays an important role. Notwithstanding the general belief that the etreptococcua is the inciting agent, a number of workers from time to time have sought other agenta, For Instance, a f iltrable virus has been proposed as the cause, Because of Dr, A. B. Sabin's recent work on the oc- currence of pleuropneumonla-like microorganisms in mice, which produce in this species a multiple arthritis possessing certain of the characteristics of human rheumatic fever, Dr, Swift and his associates attempted to find out whether a similar microorganism was responsible for the human malady. At first it was believed that it was possible to isolate pleuropneumonia- like organisms from rheumatic fever patients. Much excitement was caused,