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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


New Web resource aims to connect primary care, public health providers, and patients

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has developed a new page on the AHRQ Health Care Innovations Exchange Web site, Linking Clinical Practices and the Community for Health Promotion. The page is designed to help health care professionals find new ways to work together to support patients in adopting healthy behaviors and managing their health, to create new ways to connect patients with services in primary care offices and community settings, and to increase accessibility to these services.

Visitors to the new page can find profiles of innovations that have successfully integrated clinical, public health, and community health services. Also available are tools to assist in developing partnerships and referral linkages. Visitors are invited to share their experiences and lessons learned through a commenting feature that is provided from each innovation profile page. This effort to build relationships between these sectors of health care resulted from a conference held earlier this year.

The 2008 Linking Clinical Practice and the Community for Health Promotion Summit was hosted by AHRQ, the Association for State and Territorial Health Officers, and the American Medical Association. Summit participants examined successful partnerships that have been developed in health systems, communities, and States. Strategies were identified to overcome the barriers that often block the collaboration, coordination, and integration necessary for successful partnerships.

To view the new page, go to the Health Care Innovations Exchange Web site at

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