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The Trouble with Double X

The Trouble with Double X

May 14, 2009 | web only
This week, Slate launched Double X, an online magazine "founded by women but not just for women," the latest in a series of women-focused online magazines to split off from general-interest news and politics sites.

Is the niche-ification of the Internet amplifying or ghettoizing women's voices?

(AP Photo/Ed Ford)

The group blog of The American Prospect

Still waiting for an Esquire for women.

Posted at 5:15 p.m.

Killing cap and trade.
Posted at 4:28 p.m.

Dean Baker's economic commentary

Creditors and the auto bankruptcy.

Posted at 7:57 a.m.

Denial Island

May 14, 2009 | web only
National-security concerns aren't the only reason -- or even the best reason -- to worry about the climate crisis. But they are real.

Not Even Chuck Norris Can Save the GOP

May 12, 2009 | web only
Celebrities and everymans are the pundits of choice for the GOP. Is it any wonder Republicans are directionless?

Obama: Stay Away From Notre Dame's Commencement

May 12, 2009 | web only
Abortion has nothing to do with it. A progressive president shouldn't support an institution that reserves 25 percent of its admissions seats for legacies.

Sex Work

May 14, 2009 | web only
Two new biographies -- one of Helen Gurley Brown and the other of sex researchers William Masters and Virginia Johnson -- offer cautionary tales about mixing sex and the workplace.

The XXX-Files

May 12, 2009
Porn industry lobbyists feel out Capitol Hill in a time of economic crisis.

How Do Americans Really Feel About God?

May 11, 2009 | web only
The religious right's era of unquestioning Christianity is over. In fact, Americans have incredibly complex feelings about God and country.

The FundamentaList

The FundamentaList

May 13, 2009 | web only

Sarah Posner's weekly column on religion and politics:

The proselytization to -- and mockery of -- Muslim civilians by troops only undermines the military's goals and damages the United States' reputation.

United States Army soldiers bow their heads in prayer at Camp Liberty in Baghdad, Iraq. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)

Expert Advice
May 11, 2009

George W. Bush left us with a staggering set of questions for which political answers are elusive at best.

Jerusalem's Obstructionist Construction
May 8, 2009

The pattern of Israeli construction in East Jerusalem is meant to erase the Clinton parameters for peace.

Obama v. the Republican Party
May 8, 2009 | web only

The president can name the most agreeable of moderates as his Supreme Court nominee, and Senate Republicans will still put up a fight.

Housing is Local, and Lending Should Be, Too
May 7, 2009

We're just now learning how dangerous it is that the sources of finance for homeowners and their neighborhoods have no real connection to those people and places.

After Katrina: Redemption and Rebuilding

A Strong Safety Net Encourages Healthy Risk-Taking

May 7, 2009
The basic underlying principle of the New Deal was that security is not opposed to opportunity but essential to it.

Cramdown's Downfall

May 7, 2009 | web only
Bankers are making it hard for Obama to limit foreclosures -- but he's not doing much in the way of fighting back.

The Rich and Powerful Can Avoid Risk

May 6, 2009
Managing and balancing risk in the future is an organic human problem, a political problem, and a problem of power. The question is how to remedy the fact that some players have the power to shift risks and to use the political process for insurance, while others do not.

Risk Is Best Managed From the Bottom Up

May 6, 2009
We need regulations to address risk in every layer of the system, from the loan or bond, to the bank, to the very structure of the global financial industry.

A "Post-Racial" Assault on Voting Rights

May 6, 2009 | web only
It is minority voters -- not Southern municipalities -- who need the protection of the Supreme Court.

The FundamentaList (No. 79)

May 6, 2009 | web only
This week in religion and politics: More evidence emerges of aggressive proselytizing in the military, and the religious right wants to cause trouble for Obama's Supreme Court nominee.

It's Time to Rethink the Problem

May 5, 2009
Everything Americans thought they knew about risk was wrong. Now what? To restore real prosperity, we'll need to get smarter about what we don't know.

Private Risk Is the Public's Business

May 5, 2009
From the earliest days of the republic, government at all levels has actively intervened to regulate and reallocate risk.

A Taxing Argument

May 5, 2009 | web only
Republicans think they'll revive their party by repeating the refrain of "small government, lower taxes." Unfortunately for them, taxation isn't quite the problem they imagine it to be.

A Long, Uncivil War

May 5, 2009 | web only
In her new book, former ACLU board member Wendy Kaminer goes after the organization and its current director. But in mixing the personal with the political, does she miss the real challenges facing the group in the wake of the Bush administration?

Featured Contributor

Phoebe  Connelly Phoebe Connelly is web editor of the Prospect. Previously, she was managing editor of In These Times. She writes on political culture, human rights and feminism.

All articles by Phoebe Connelly...

Portrait of Misogyny
| web only
A recently released documentary on Cindy Sherman illustrates the misogyny still pervasive in the art world today.

Naughty Mommies

Are bloggers who proudly identify as "bad moms" challenging ideals of motherhood or reinforcing them?

Why They Fought

An army is a grand exercise in group loyalty and cooperation. Understanding what holds it together provides lessons beyond the military.

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