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Customer Service Operations
Customer Service Guidelines

Our objective is to provide high quality customer service in the following ways:

  • Treat our customers with enthusiasm, courtesy and respect
  • Promptly answer our customer's questions with accurate, objective information
  • Resolve our customers' needs with the fewest number of calls possible
  • Provide educational information to our customers about the resources we manage, they use, and the laws and regulations governing their use
  • Use language that our customers can easily understand
  • Ask for and consider our customers' ideas about agency plans, programs, and services
  • Promptly respond to our customers' suggestions, concerns, and complaints

Our employees are directly responsible for delivering our customer service commitments. To better support our customer service representatives, we:

  • Give our workers the decision-making parameters enabling them to go "the extra mile" to satisfy customers
  • Involve our employees in customer service improvement initiatives
  • Establish a customer-focused culture and infrastructure at all levels of management and internal support