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Fahum 2009

FA-HUM 2009 Mission Costa Rica

April 23, 2009

Costa Ricans, Panamanians and Department of Defense personnel have worked hand-in-hand in a disaster relief field training exercise in Quepos and Parrita known as the Fuerzas Aliadas Humanitarias 2009 (FA-HUM). FA HUM 2009 is designed to test and improve regional and national disaster response capabilities within Central America and the Caribbean Basin.  This exercise is taking place simultaneously in four countries including Antigua, Grenada, Honduras and Costa Rica. While the disaster exercise is a simulation, the  medical and dental care provided to an estimated 1000 patients per day over a five-day period in ten communities within the region is a very real benefit to Costa Rica.  The total cost of this exercise is more than $10 million dollars and $1.7 million was spent in Costa Rica, including $45,000 USD worth of medical supplies.  In Costa Rica, the exercise began on April 16th and will be complete on April 25, 2009. (Photo Gallery)

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Aircraft C-17 and Black Haw Helicopter.

April 22, 2009

Earth Day is the annual celebration of the environment and is observed around the world.  In the United States, it affirms that environmental awareness is part of the country's consciousness and promotes the idea of protecting the environment.   In 1962 Gaylord Nelson a Democratic Senator from Wisconsin focused his thinking on environmental issues. He organized a large demonstration to preserve the environment.  On April 22nd, 1970 more than 20 million Americans marched in their communities, universities and schools with this solemn goal. This event was named “Earth Day.”  Earth Day raises environmental consciousness and encourages all of us to act to protect our planet.  At the Regional Environmental Hub, every day is Earth Day, as it works to promote sustainable development in Central America and the Caribbean. (more)


Aircraft C-17 and Black Haw Helicopter.

Two Boeing C-17 military aircraft, three black hawk helicopters Arrive in Costa Rica as Part of Fuerzas Aliadas Humanitarias 2009 (FA-HUM)

San Jose – April 20, 2009

Two C-17s arrived in Costa Rica carrying three Black Hawk helicopters, $45,000 worth of medicine and U.S. personnel that will provide support for the Fuerzas Aliadas Humanitarias 2009 (FA-HUM) exercise taking place in Quepos and Parrita. FA-HUM is a regional disaster relief exercise designed to test and improve emergency response capabilities in the region.(photo gallery)


U.S. Ambassador Peter Cianchette and Minister of Public Security Janina del Vecchio Tour Operations Center for the Fuerzas Aliadas Humanitarias 2009 (FA-HUM)

U.S. Ambassador Peter Cianchette and Minister of Public Security Janina del Vecchio Tour Operations Center for the Fuerzas Aliadas Humanitarias 2009 (FA-HUM)

San Jose- April 20, 2009

U.S. Ambassador Peter Cianchette and the Minister of Public Security, Janina del Vecchio got a first-hand look at how joint operations for FA-HUM 2009 are being coordinated from San Jose.  FA-HUM is an exercise that will improve disaster response and search and rescue operations which are being simulated in Quepos and Parrita.  In addition to the simulations, medical readiness exercises are also taking place. (more)  


Flight helmets donation

US Embassy Donates Helmets to Costa Rican Air Wing

San Jose- April 17, 2009

Continuing the strong law enforcement cooperation that exists between the United States and Costa Rica, the U.S. Embassy donated two helicopter flight helmets to the Costa Rican Air Wing today.  These helmets will enable the professional pilots of the Costa Rican Air Wing to fly their craft in a safer, more secure manner. 


Representatives from Costa Rica’s National Emergency Center and the US Embassy

Fuerzas Aliadas Humanitarias Exercise in Costa Rica Announced

San Jose- April 16, 2009

Representatives from Costa Rica’s National Emergency Center and the US Embassy announced that a collaborative exercise known as the Fuerzas Aliadas Humanitarias exercise (FA-HUM) will take place in Costa Rica April 16-25th. (more)


DCM Peter Brennan

Workshop Held for Costa Rican Journalists Covering Trafficking in Persons Issues

San Jose-March 31, 2009

With support from the Costa Rican Supreme Court, PAS and POL San Jose organized a workshop for journalists who cover trafficking in persons issues throughout Costa Rica.  Nearly 35 journalists participated in the workshop including journalists who traveled from the interior of Costa Rica including San Carlos and Limon.  Journalists got the opportunity to listen to a panel of experts that ranged from the Vice-Minister of the Government of Police, Director of the Secretariat for Migration and Trafficking in Persons Coalition, the Director of the RAHAB Foundation, Coordinator of PANIAMOR, among others.  The objective of the workshop was to educate journalists on the difference between trafficking in persons and smuggling and provide facts and figures of cases that have occurred in the country and throughout the region. Journalists were introduced to organizations that help re-integrate victims of trafficking back into society and sensitized to the issue in order to avoid re-victimizing the victim of trafficking in persons. 


Requesting patience and commitment by the assembled leaders, U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden reiterated the need to work together for common progress on economic and other issues.
Requesting patience and commitment by the assembled leaders, U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden reiterated the need to work together for common progress on economic and other issues.

Vice President Joseph Biden in Costa Rican Media Spotlight

San Jose – Monday, March 30, 2009

Emphasizing the Obama Administration’s “listening mode” and desire to strengthen relationships with the countries of Central America, Vice President Joseph Biden participated in a 40 minute press conference, following a meeting with Central American leaders. After opening remarks by host and Costa Rican President Oscar Arias, VP Biden offered his own remarks, thanking the leaders for taking time out of busy schedules to come to the meeting, and emphasizing the White House interest in crafting policy with Central America, not for Central America. The five questions that followed were all directed at VP Biden, most concerning the economic crisis and its impact on the U.S. ability to help in the region. Requesting patience and commitment by the assembled leaders, Biden reiterated the need to work together for common progress on economic and other issues.


Latest News from Washington

  • Clinton Calls for Unity in the Americas
    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton calls for unity among the nations of the Western Hemisphere to confront issues affecting the hemisphere as a whole. In Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Clinton holds a digital town hall of the Americas and discusses a wide range of regional issues. ...
    21 April 2009

  • Obama Says US, Cuba Taking Critical Steps Toward a New Day
    Although Cuba was not on the agenda for the fifth Summit of the Americas, the country was nevertheless on the minds of those participating in the gathering of 34 democratically elected hemispheric leaders April 17–19. “The United States seeks a new beginning with Cuba,” President Obama says. ...
    21 April 2009
  • Obama Praises Constructive Talks at Summit of the Americas
    President Obama said the United States entered the fifth Summit of the Americas in equal partnership with the nations of the Western Hemisphere based on mutual respect, common interests and shared values, and leaves after three days of constructive talks with what he called a good first step. ...
    19 April 2009
  • United States, Mexico to Strive for Clean Energy Economies
    The United States and Mexico form a partnership to create clean energy economies and reduce the effects of global warming. “This is a priority for the United States. I know it’s a priority for President Calderón,” President Obama says. ...
    17 April 2009
  • Obama to Allow More Travel, Money Transfers to Cuba
    The United States will allow Cuban Americans unlimited travel and money transfers to family in Cuba, the White House says. Sending money to senior government officials and members of the Cuban Community Party remains prohibited. A 47-year-old trade embargo on Cuba also remains unchanged. ...
    13 April 2009


Information on H1N1 Flu

Warden Message

The Fifth Summit of the Americas

The Fifth summit of the Americas

First 100 Days

President Obama

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What's new
Information on H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)
Merida Initiative
Pathways Initiative
State Department Releases 2008 Trafficking in Persons Report
Costa Rica Tier / Trafficking in Persons Report 2008
TradeAgreements.gov is an information on America's trade agreements.
World Bank 2008 Report on Doing Business in Costa Rica (pdf document)
CAFTA-DR Labor and Environment Capacity Building -- Media Note and Fact Sheets (pdf document)
Latest Press Releases
Recent Reports
International Narcotics Control Strategy Reports 
2009 INCSR: Country Reports - Costa Rica through Haiti
  • Human Rights Report
  • Costa Rica Report on Human Rights 2008
  •Trafficking in Persons Report
  •Costa Rica: 2008 Report on International Religious Freedom September 19 2008

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Costa Rica Info
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Costa Rica - United States of America Foundation for Cooperation
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Costa Rican-American Chamber of Commerce
Political Constitution Of Costa Rica
Private U.S. Assistance in Costa Rica Report - August 2006

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