SXSWeek 2009: March 13-22
Interactive: March 13-17
Film: March 13-21
Music: March 18-22

SXSW Interactive Sponsors

SXSW Interactive: March 13-17, 2009

The Brightest Minds in Emerging Technology

SXSW Interactive The SXSW Interactive Festival features five days of exciting panel content and amazing parties. Attracting digital creatives as well as visionary technology entrepreneurs, the event celebrates the best minds and the brightest personalities of emerging technology. Whether you are a hard-core geek, a dedicated content creator, a new media entrepreneur, or just someone who likes being around an extremely creative community, SXSW Interactive is for you!

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Demo This: SXSW Accelerator Deadline Extended Thru Weekend

s_for_Managing_a_Creative_Environment33_edit.jpgScheduled Monday, March 16 at the Hilton, SXSW Accelerator is a platform for companies to showcase their new products and services to the cutting-edge new media professionals and industry trend-setters who come to Austin in March. The deadline for submitting applications is today (Friday, January 16). But, if you haven't gotten your information to us yet, then you are in luck. We will accept applications through 11:59 pm on Sunday, January 18. See the SXSW Accelerator website for details or just contact Chris Valentine to get the scoop.

Speaking of deadlines, don't forget that today is the last day to register for SXSW Interactive for just $425. That's a $70 savings on the walk-up price of $495. What are you waiting for?

We Like to Read: More Book Readings Announced

ue_Between_What_We_Buy_and_Who_We_Are17_edit.jpgIn 2008, we introduced Book Readings to the SXSW Interactive stable of content. This programming is back again in 2009 -- and the lineup of confirmed authors looks stellar. Recent additions to the Book Reading roster include Christine Wodtke (who will be talking about her updated version of "Information Architecture") and Richard Poplak (who will discuss his new release "The Sheikh's Batmobile", which covers American pop culture in Muslim cultures). The format for 2009 is the same as last year -- each author gets 20 minutes on the Day Stage to talk about their new release, then they will sign and sell copies of the book to interested attendees. What can we say -- reading is fundamental.

Game System May Help End Trauma Flashbacks (Even from the BCS)

NES_Tetris_Box_Front.jpgA number of health journals have started reporting on a study out of Oxford where subjects suffered less flashbacks the week after watching a terrifying movie if they played Tetris immediately after the viewing. That's right, Tetris is a potential cure for post-traumatic stress disorder.

For those who entered the casual gaming aspect of the
ScreenBurn at SXSW Game Design Challenge, this article should help you hold your head up high against all those story-hyped console games. I wonder what Dr. Julie Ratner's panel on
Funologists would to say about that?

Register Today and Save!

Thinking about attending SXSW 2009? Well, you should get your badge today, so you save some money.

Registration rates for all SXSW conference and festival badges will increase after today, January 16th. Click over to our Registration page to review your options and register and book your hotel. Please remember that registration fees are non-refundable once processed.

Register Now for SXSW: Cheap Airfares Abound!

flights.jpgSave $70 on the walkup rate if you register for the 2009 SXSW Interactive Festival before the end of the day on Friday, January 16. Moreover, if you are coming from out of town, buy now to take advantage of the very affordable airfares to Austin. And once you are here you will need a place to stay. Plenty of great rooms are still available via the SXSW Housing Desk. But the longer you wait to register, the less likely you can secure lodging within walking distance of the Austin Convention Center. So don't delay -- click here to make your SXSW dreams come true!

Award-winning Writer Takes the Lead on Doom 4

thumb-doom3-01.jpgContinuing our discussion from yesterday, 1UP reports that Graham Joyce has agreed to write the story for Doom 4. For those unfamiliar with his work, Joyce is a British author who has received many awards, including the British Fantasy Award, Imaginaire Award and the World Fantasy Award. Did I mention that he's British? 1UP wonders how much potential there is for an FPS about a lone space marine fighting the denizens of hell, but it worked okay at the end of Alien and Predator.

For a gaming example, SXSW will have the Deep Focus marketing folks scheduled to discuss their plan for EA's Dead Space, which involved such story-building elements as a comic book and prequel DVD.

Image Source: id Software

Gold Badge Update: New Studio SX Online Podcast with Gary Hustwit and Doug Pray

Gold Icon Want to get even more out of your SXSW experience in 2009? Then purchase a Gold Badge, which also gives you access to four days of SXSW Film panels and 9 days of SXSW Film screenings. The Gold Badge will also allow you to attend the numerous film parties and receptions, thus allowing you to make vital connections with the many film and entertainment industry professionals who attend SXSW.

As an example of the kind of convergence you will find only at SXSW, don't miss the Film Festival's podcast series dubbed Studio SX Online. Using the same model as our annual Studio SX events in the SXSW Film + Interactive Trade Show, Studio SX Online allows you listen in on one-on-one interviews and conversations between some of your favorite speakers participating in the SXSW Conferences and Festivals.

sxsw_podcast.gif The second installment of this podcast series features a conversation between SXSW Film Festival veterans Gary Hustwit (Helvetica, 2007) and Doug Pray (Big Rig, 2007). This year's festival sees the world premiere of Gary's latest film, Objectified, a documentary that aims to do for industrial design what Helvetica did for the humble typeface. Meanwhile, Doug's film, Art & Copy prepares to take the Sundance Documentary Competition by storm with a detailed look at the weird and wonderful world of advertising.

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In the podcast, the two discuss the common ground between their latest films, including the art in the everyday, the genius of 'Got Milk?', and the strangeness and power of sitting in the dark and staring at a screen.

Gary will also be sharing his insights on the "We Have Been Objectified: Identity, Consumerism, and the Future of Designed Objects" session during the 2009 Interactive event, which will be moderated by Stuart Constantine of Core77.