Sample Public Service Announcements

:60 Seconds: When a crime occurs in our community, it's an individual person who is most directly affected -- a mother or father, somebody's child, a neighbor or beloved friend. But our entire community feels the devastating impact of any criminal act, as evidenced by our feelings of increased vulnerability and fear for our personal safety. Nearly 37 million people in America are touched by criminal victimizations annually, with over nine million falling prey to violence. Yes, crime is down, but the countless needs of crime victims have never been greater . . . counseling, compensation, information, input, restitution and protection, to name just a few.

April 19 to 25 is National Crime Victims' Rights Week, a time to recognize that victims' rights are right for America, and right for (name of city/county/state). Please join crime victims and those who serve them in our community at a number of special events to honor the many accomplishments achieved by our nation's and community's victims' rights discipline. Your commitment to victims' rights is a commitment to improved community safety for us all. For more information, please contact (area code/telephone number).

:30 Seconds: Victims' rights: right for America, and right for (name of city/county/state). It's National Crime Victims' Rights Week, a time for our community to pay tribute and respect to those who have been devastated as a result of criminal victimization. Your support for crime victims means support for improved victim services, greater offender accountability, and safety for our entire community. (Station [call letters]) joins the many folks in (city/state/county) in saluting crime victims during this special week, and hope you'll join us to help ensure that victims' rights and services are observed not only as a priority during National Crime Victims' Rights Week,but also throughout the year here in (city/county/state). For more information, or to volunteer to effect positive change on behalf of crime victims, please call (area code/telephone number).

:15 Seconds: April 19 to 25 is National Crime Victims' Rights Week, and there are numerous activities planned to pay tribute to crime victims. (Station [call letters]) encourages you to join us in honoring crime victims, and volunteering to help provide them with the support and services they deserve. For more information, please call (area code/telephone number).

:15 Seconds: Crime victims need and deserve quality rights and services. Here in (community), volunteers are needed to help promote the rights and needs of crime victims. Make a commitment to making our community better and safer. During National Crime Victims' Rights Week -- April 19 to 25 -- please call to find out about volunteer efforts to help crime victims -- (area code/telephone number).

:15 Seconds: With over 37 million people in America touched by crime each year, the need for victims' rights and services has never been greater. Join the many professionals and volunteers who work to make victims' rights right for America during National Crime Victims' Rights Week -- April 19 to 25 --and throughout the year. For more information, please call (area code/telephone number).

If your agency has a web site or electronic mail address, incorporate it into the text of your public service announcements.

This document was last updated on May 29, 2008