Georgia DroughtWatch

Picture of a boat ramp closed because drought has lowered the level of a lake. Photo by Alan Hope

Ground Water Conditions in Georgia

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) ground-water network for Georgia currently consists of 170 wells in which ground-water levels are continuously monitored. Most of the wells are located in the Coastal Plain in the southern part of the State where ground-water pumping stress is high. In particular, there are large concentrations of wells in coastal and southwestern Georgia areas, where there are issues related to ground-water pumping— saltwater intrusion along the coast, and diminished streamflow in southwestern Georgia due to irrigation pumping. Some of the wells in the network transmit data "real time" on a 4-hour basis using satellite telemetry. Other wells in the network record data at the wellhead and are retrieved on a 6-week basis ("continuous" wells).

Information for individual wells:

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