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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Minority Children

MEPS Chartbook, No. 2:
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Health, 1996

Research Findings

Research Activities, February 2009:
Minority children with asthma frequently use emergency departments for care

Research Activities, December 2008:
More than 2 million children with insured parents are uninsured
Research Activities, November 2008:
Pediatricians show less implicit race bias than others
Minority children are half as likely as white children to receive specialized therapies
Research Activities, September 2008:
Black girls look at being overweight with different eyes
Research Activities, July 2008:
Minority status and vulnerable early life experiences prompt physicians' engagement in reducing care disparities
Housing instability and food insecurity among low-income children are linked to diminished access to health care
Research Activities, May 2008:
Studies examine pediatricians' and parents' attitudes toward childhood obesity
Research Activities, April 2008:
Modest health care quality gains outpaced by spending
White children are about twice as likely to use stimulants as black and Hispanic children
Research Activities, February 2008:
Children with special health care needs seem to benefit from Medicaid managed care programs with case managers
Research Activities, January 2008:
Disadvantaged newly immigrant Hispanic women have much better birth outcomes than disadvantaged U.S. black women
Research Activities, December 2007:
Over 5 million eligible children remain uninsured, despite SCHIP enrollment gains
Doctors should advise Latino families about the safety, low cost, and dental health benefits of drinking tap water
Research Activities, September 2007:
Children with complex chronic conditions are more likely to die in their homes than in the hospital
Research Activities, September 2006:
Use of stimulant medications to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children has leveled off since 1997
Research Activities, August 2006:
Twice as many minority children than white children with special health care needs do not receive needed vision care
Research Activities, July 2006:
Puerto Rican children are diagnosed with asthma more often than other children
Aggressive Medicaid and SCHIP outreach programs are needed to enroll Latino children
Reductions in primary and preventive care use under Medicaid primary care case management are more dramatic for minority children
Research Activities, May 2006
Parents of children with special health care needs identify multiple barriers to accessing care for their children
AHRQ's health care quality and disparities reports can help nurse leaders make key decisions about quality and patient safety
Research Activities, April 2006
Very low-birthweight babies treated at minority-serving hospitals have higher death rates
A school-based weight loss/exercise program can reduce weight among low-income black children
Research Activities, March 2006
Minority children living in public housing are more likely to suffer from chronic health problems
Research Activities, December 2005:
Randomized trial reveals community-based case managers increase public insurance enrollment of uninsured Latino children
Research Activities, August 2005:
Efforts beyond expanding health coverage may be needed to improve access and quality for low-income and minority children
Certain managed care organization characteristics can increase specialty care use among chronically ill low-income children
Research Activities, July 2005:
More minority and Medicaid-insured children experience perforated appendicitis than other children
Research Activities, May 2005:
Home routines in minority families may impede the healthy development and future school success of their children
Children of working poor parents continue to be at a disadvantage for health care access and use
Research Activities, March 2005:
Significant exposure to tobacco smoke and underuse of controller medications exacerbate asthma symptoms among Head Start children

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