U.S. Geological Survey home page

About the USGS Denver Spectroscopy Lab


Personnel work on a variety of science research topics using methods including laboratory spectroscopy of terrestrial and planetary metarials, remote sensing spectroscopy of the Earth using imaging spectrometers, telescopes to study other planetary surfaces, and planetary probes with spectrometers and imaging spectrometers to study other planets. Scientific problems cover a wide range, from mineral exploration, environmental characterizations, global change, vegetation health, to planetary exploration throughout the solar system.

Address and FAX numbers will be furnished upon request.

 Spectroscopy lab personnel include:
Name Mail Stop Telephone E-Mail Address
Dr. Roger N. Clark 964 (303) 236-1332 rclark@usgs.gov 
Dr. Trude V.V. King 964 (303) 236-1373 tking@usgs.gov 
Dr. Gregg A. Swayze  964 (303) 236-0925 gswayze@usgs.gov 
Todd M. Hoefen 973 (303) 236-2456 thoefen@usgs.gov
Ray Kokaly 973 (303) 236-1359 raymond@usgs.gov
Eric Livo 973 (303) 236-1388 elivo@usgs.gov 
Robert R. McDougal  973 (303) 236-1854 rmcdouga@usgs.gov

Spectroscopy lab personnel: students, interns, contractors, other agencies:
Name Mail Stop Telephone E-Mail Address
Noel Gorelick 
(Arizona State U.)
- (602) 965-7829 gorelick@esther.la.asu.edu

See the facilities description to find out about our spectrometers, computers and other equipment we use.

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U.S. Geological Survey, a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Interior

This page URL= http://speclab.cr.usgs.gov/aboutlab.html
This page is maintained by: Dr. Roger N. Clark rclark@usgs.gov

Last modified Sep. 27, 2006.