Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Prevalence of Giant Kidney Worm (Dioctophyma
) in Wild Mink (Mustela vison) in Minnesota

L. David Mech and Shawn P. Tracy

Abstract: Of 138 wild mink (Mustela vison) from eastern Minnesota, 27% contained Dioctophyma renale, primarily in the right kidney. No significant difference between prevalence in adult male and immature male mink was found, nor between the prevalence in males versus female mink. Thirteen worms were found in one male mink, representing the highest documented infection intensity of a single wild mink.
This resource is based on the following source (Northern Prairie Publication 1121):
Mech, L. David, and Shawn P. Tracy.  2001.  Prevalence of giant 
     kidney worm (Dioctophyma renale) in wild mink (Mustela vison) 
     in Minnesota.  American Midland Naturalist 145(1):206-209.

This resource should be cited as:

Mech, L. David, and Shawn P. Tracy.  2001.  Prevalence of giant 
     kidney worm (Dioctophyma renale) in wild mink (Mustela vison) 
     in Minnesota.  American Midland Naturalist 145(1):206-209.  
     Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online.
     (Version 30JUL2001).

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Tables and Figures

L. David Mech, U.S. Geological Survey, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, 8711 - 37th St. S.E., Jamestown, ND, 58401-7317, Present address of corresponding author: North Central Research Station, 1992 Folwell Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108, Telephone: (651)-649-5231, FAX: (651)-649-5233, e-mail:
Shawn P. Tracy, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Minnesota, St. Paul 55108.
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