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» Thoughts on FASB Decision on Bloomberg News, April 02, 2009
There's general agreement with the action that was taken. Clearly, many of these troubled assets, these financial institutions have no intention of selling them at fire sale prices. Therefore, value in them at fire sale prices is not accurate...
» Tobacco FDA Issue and Budget Plan Versions on Power Lunch, April 01, 2009
What we hope to accomplish is having the Food and Drug Administration, which is charged with making sure the public knows the risks and avoids the risks to the extent they can, look at this from a Federal perspective and make it clear to the public the consequences. So we think this will up the level of oversight, which we think is appropriate...
» The Daily Dose Welcome Video, March 23, 2009
A daily health care update tracking Congress’s work on one of the most pressing national priorities—reforming America’s health care system. This update will keep you up-to-speed on the failings of our current system and the hard work of changing it. It will include a round-up of healthcare news stories, information on committee activity, useful background documents, and a fact of the day.
» President Obama's Budget: A New Era, March 19, 2009
The Majority Leader's Office has created a video highlighting President Obama and Congressional Democrats commitment to a budget that shows real leadership and makes the tough, responsible choices necessary to address the challenges facing our nation. Featuring President Obama and the following House Members (in order of appearance): Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-09), Rep. Peter Welch (VT), Rep. Allyson Schwartz (PA-13), Rep. Ron Kind (WI-3), Rep. Bobby Scott (VA-03), Rep. Joseph Crowley (NY-07), Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL-09), Rep. Ron Klein (FL-22), Rep. Donna Edwards (MD-04), Rep. John Yarmuth (KY-03).
» Taking Action on AIG Executive Bonuses on MSNBC, March 18, 2009
I can't believe these guys or gals who got these bonuses from AIG, a failed company that had been very successful but was run into the ground by a lot of people would take these bonuses given the circumstances that exist. They ought to realize the American public are rightfully outraged, Congress is outraged.
» Indignation Over AIG Executive Bonuses on Bloomberg, March 17, 2009
I cannot believe that the AIG executives who are getting this bonus money do not realize how dysfunctional they look, how greedy they look, and how insensitive they look. Having the American taxpayer pony up billions of dollars, but nonetheless, they have the temerity to take these bonuses...
» Government Spending and Economic Recovery with John Stossel on 20/20, March 13, 2009
Inaction, everybody agreed, was not an option...if I said everybody, perhaps I overstated the case, but more importantly, most of America in polling data said, we needed to act...
» Dialogue about Administration's Agenda Moving Forward on Morning Joe, February 26, 2009
The President was pretty clear in his speech Tuesday night that, you know, we're not going to tolerate giving money to people who waste it. We're not going to tolerate giving money to people that use it on themselves. The taxpayers have been very generous and focused on trying to stabilize the economy which meant helping our financial institutions.
» Hoyer Affirms Budget Proposed by President Obama on Squawkbox, February 26, 2009
President Obama said was he was going to submit an honest budget and says this is a much more reasonable and honest budget that includes the cost of the war which we're not including previously, the cost of adjusting the minimum tax. I think it realistically puts forward a plan to get us to halve the budget deficit by the end of President Obama's first term.
» Hoyer Addressing Obama Speech on Fox News, February 24, 2009
I felt it was an excellent speech. I felt he did exactly what he needed to do. First of all, he laid out the problem that confronts us immediately and explained what we were doing to meet that crisis and what we would do to meet that crisis.
» Hoyer Discusses Subject Matter of Obama's Speech on WTOP Radio, February 24, 2009
He will talk about healthcare being affordable to our people and he will talk about the political picture of energy independence and the importance of energy independence. Also of course to make sure that we are environmentally friendly in our use of energy , and that he will also talk about the future of our education system is the best at the time that it took provides for the young people and not so young people to be competitive in the world marketplace in which we find ourselves.
» Reaction to President Obama's Address, February 24, 2009
On Fox News Channel
» Requesting House Approve Economic Recovery Package on the House Floor, February 13, 2009
I would hope that every member on this floor of whatever party, of whatever ideological persuasion would pray that this Bill works, not for political purposes, because if this bill works, we will create those 3.5 million jobs. Am I absolutely sure that it will? I am not. I regret that I am not, but the best advice and counsel I have received over the last five months that we have been working on this Bill...
» Negotiations on Economic Recovery Plan Discussed on Fox News, February 11, 2009
There are differences, and we're going to have to reconcile them if we're going to pass legislation, and we believe that passing legislation is critical. We're going to compromise. We believe the states need to have additional resources, so they don't lay off teachers, lay off firefighters, lay off police, and can stabilize their own governments in an era of very deep fall in their revenues.
» Senate Passes Recovery Package Amid Contention on MSNBC, February 10, 2009
It's not unusual for there to be differences between the Senate and the House. Sometimes very serious differences. People hopefully of goodwill can come together and there's going to have to be compromises. We believe, as you know, as the speaker pointed out the states are in real trouble. We want to make sure they don't have to lay off police, fire, teachers.
» Hoyer Delivers Explanation of Economic Recovery Debate on the House Floor, February 09, 2009
We are today in my opinion to be honest with the American people. They need to know that this economic crisis will not end overnight. I think the Chairman's made that pretty clear, and they need to know the reasons why. The deep, deep, deep fiscal hole we have inherited after eight years of fiscal recklessness.
» Floor Statement on Passing of the Bill for the State Children's Health Insurance Program, February 04, 2009
The logic behind the final passage of this Bill which brings into the state Children's Health Insurance Program as has been said already four million children who are eligible but not yet enrolled. Quite frankly, as a result of the veto of the legislation we passed in the last Congress, four million children went to bed last night with their parents worried if they got sick...
» Statement on Economic Recovery Package, January 28, 2009
I want to start my remarks taking a little bit of time, I want to start my remarks talking about bipartisanship and how we got here and why we're here. Over a year ago it appeared to us that the economic program adopted in 2001, 2003 was not working. It also appeared to the administration that it was not working.
» Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Of 2009 and Paycheck Fairness Act Encouraged to Pass on House Floor, January 27, 2009
Ladies and gentlemen of the House, this is the right thing to do. It's the right thing to do not just for Lilly Ledbetter, not just for women, it's the right thing to do because our country believes in fairness, in equity, that we are a nation of laws and treat people equally under those laws.
» Leader Hoyer Discussing TARP on House Floor, January 22, 2009
We are the ones who also, notwithstanding the failure of the bush administration to request it, put yesterday in a bipartisan vote additional constraints for accountability and transparency and for focusing on those folks who are at risk of losing their homes. The gentlelady, I know, did not vote for that either. Today, I think that every member of the House is thinking back to words we said in a similar debate four months ago when the Tarp was originally in front of us and wondering whether we can still stand by them...
» With Richard Armey Talking About Economic Fix On CNBC, January 22, 2009
There is a significant difference of opinion as to whether or not we need to act and how large the action needs to be. Marty Feldstein says we need to act with spend and tax cuts, which is what we're doing.
» New Stimulus Plan Discussed by Steny Hoyer Under Democratic Administration, January 21, 2009
The challenges confronting this Administration and this Congress are unlike perhaps any in recent times, but i think the President-Elect, now President Obama said today that Americans are up to the task...
» Digging America Out of Republican Debt... Again, January 16, 2009
"There is a great deal to gain from looking back honestly at the choices made and their consequences..."
» Statement on SCHIP Reauthorization, January 14, 2009
...If I can find the most efficient use of our health care dollars, I'd insure more children. I think 80% of americans agree with us on that...
» Gaza Strip Conflict Resolution on House Floor, January 09, 2009
The way to solve this problem is through reason and appeal to moral situation in the world community. How tragic it is that the Palestinian children and the Israeli children and their families, men, women, older people on both sides have been subjected to the terror sold by Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations.


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