Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

What's New Archive #5

February 21, 2003 – May 28, 2004

May 28, 2004

Biological Resource -- Brown-headed Cowbirds in Grasslands: Their Habitats, Hosts, and Response to Management describes the current breeding distribution and breeding biology of the brown-headed cowbird, identifies grassland species that are cowbird hosts, and indicates how cowbirds respond to land management practices and techniques specifically aimed at controlling their numbers. This resource is available as the species account entry for Brown-headed Cowbird in Effects of Management Practices on Grassland Birds.

Update -- Species accounts for the Golden Eagle, Merlin, and Prairie Falcon are now available in Effects of Management Practices on Grassland Birds.

Information -- The Information page has been updated with links to pages detailing “who we are” and “what we do” at Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center. Pages with new or updated text include the Introduction, Mission, Guiding Principles, and History page, Facility Descriptions, Current Study Plan Titles, Fact Sheets describing major areas of research, and a listing of Partners, Cooperators, and Collaborators.

Announcements -- The Prairie Day 2004 announcement, agenda, and registration form for have been added to the Announcements page. This year's fourth annual event is scheduled to be held Saturday, June 12th at the Buffalo Gap Campground in the Little Missouri National Grassland near Medora, ND.

March 26, 2004

Biological Resource -- Logistic-Exposure Analyses of Nest Survival presents downloadable SAS code and macros for conducting logistic-exposure analyses of nest survival.

Update -- The Atlas of North Dakota Butterflies has been updated with the addition of several county records from the 2003 season, revised nomenclature to reflect taxonomic changes, hyperlinks to corresponding species accounts in Butterflies of North America, and the completion of incorporating photos into all species accounts.

Update -- The Wetland Restoration Bibliography has been updated to reflect the addition of submitted entries. This searchable resource now contains 2,097 citations.

Information -- The Northern Prairie Staff Directory has been updated to include links to staff biographies that provide information such as expertise, current projects, and selected publications.

Announcements -- Several field technician positions are still available this summer at Northern Prairie. For more information, visit the listing of job announcements under the Employment Information section of the Announcements page.

Announcements -- The achievements of Northern Prairie staff members have been highlighted recently in the press. The following articles have been added to the Articles and Press section of the Announcements page:

Announcements -- Results of the 2003 Jamestown Christmas Bird Count, held on December 17, 2003, has been added to the Announcements page.

December 12, 2003

Updates -- The following sites have all been updated to reflect numerous changes and additions to photos and county records from various states

Update -- New entries have been added to the Bibliography for Swift Foxes (Vulpes velox). This searchable resource now contains 445 citations.

Update -- A species account for the Greater Prairie-Chicken is now available in Effects of Management Practices on Grassland Birds.

Update -- The searchable bibliography for both Effects of Management Practices on Grassland Birds and Effects of Management Practices on Wetland Birds has been updated to include 64 new entries and 70 revised entries. This searchable resource now contains 5,575 citations.

Web Site Recognition -- The Effects of Management Practices on Wetland Birds resource was highlighted in a recent online educational article on the Web site.

September 4, 2003

Biological Resource -- Alpha1-Antitrypsin Polymorphism and Systematics of Eastern North American Wolves presents the results of a comparative study of the polymorphic status of α1-antitrypsin (α1AT) among red wolves, Minnesota wolves, gray wolves from areas other than Minnesota, and with coyotes.

Biological Resource -- Floristic Quality Assessment of One Natural and Three Restored Wetland Complexes in North Dakota, USA examines the effect of subjectivity on floristic quality assignments through the study of native plant communities in a natural wetland complex and three restored wetland complexes.

Biological Resource -- Tundra Swan Habitat Preferences During Migration in North Dakota examines tundra swan habitat preferences in North Dakota during autumn migration, 1988-89.

Biological Resource -- A Walk-in Trap for Nesting Ducks describes the materials, construction, and placement of a walk-in duck trap and its use in a variety of terrains and vegetation types.

Update -- Northern Prairie's Publications Database has been updated to include 48 new and previously unlisted publications.

Update -- The searchable bibliography for Effects of Management Practices on Grassland Birds has been updated to include an additional 1,059 entries.

Web Site Recognition -- On 19 August, listed Bird Checklists of the United States as their “Internet Reference Site of the Day.” This Northern Prairie Web resource serves over 500 bird checklists from throughout the United States, including over 400 bird checklists from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Wildlife Refuge System.

July 1, 2003

Biological Resource -- Using Aquatic Invertebrates to Delineate Seasonal and Temporary Wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America tests the feasibility of using the remains of aquatic invertebrates to delineate wetlands even when the wetlands are dry or have been tilled.

Biological Resource -- A Comprehensive Review of Observational and Site Evaluation Data of Migrant Whooping Cranes in the United States, 1943-99 is a comprehensive analysis of existing observational data (1943-99) and site evaluation data (1977-99) for locations used by whooping cranes (Grus americana) during migration through the United States portion of the Wood Buffalo-Aransas flyway.

Biological Resource -- Age-Related Reproduction in Striped Skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in the Upper Midwest provides data on some age-related reproductive attributes of 178 female striped skunks collected at 19 sites in eastcentral North Dakota and westcentral Minnesota in 1979-1981 and 1987-1991.

Biological Resource -- Conservation Reserve Program: Benefit for Grassland Birds in the Northern Plains investigates the importance of CRP and its potential to help reverse population declines of several upland-nesting ducks and certain other grassland-nesting birds.

Biological Resource -- Effects of Radio Transmitters on Nesting Captive Mallards studies 3 types of back-mounted radio packages on captive female mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) to assess their effects on reproduction.

Update -- The Grays Lake Ecosystem resource has been updated to include revisions to the Research section and additions to the Publications page.

Announcements -- A vacancy announcement for two Biological Science Technician positions were recently added to the Announcements page.

Announcements -- A vacancy announcement for a student Web Programmer/Developer position was recently added to the Announcements page.

May 12, 2003

Biological Resource -- The Science, Ethics, and Philosophy of Tooth Extractions from Live-captured White-tailed Deer: a response to Festa-Bianchet et al. (2002) offers a response to a publication by Festa-Bianchet et al. questioning the practice of extracting teeth from live-captured white-tailed deer.

Biological Resource -- Variation in Body Mass of Wild Canvasback and Redhead Ducklings assesses variation in body mass of ducklings in single- and mixed-species broods of wild Canvasbacks and Redheads 20-50 days old.

Biological Resource -- The Conservation Reserve Program and Grassland Birds evaluates the use by breeding birds of selected Conservation Reserve Program fields in eastern Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and western Minnesota.

Biological Resource -- First Flowering Dates and Flowering Periods of Prairie Plants at Woodworth, North Dakota reports a record of flowering events for 97 species of prairie plants for 2-6 years near Woodworth, North Dakota.

Update -- A species account and annotated bibliography for the Sora has been added to the Effects of Management Practices on Wetland Birds.

Update -- Collecting and Analyzing Data from Duck Nesting Studies has been updated to include revised data cards, instruction manuals, and software files.

Update -- A new entry has been added to the Cottonwood Lake Study Area publications page.

Update -- Bird Checklists of the United States has been updated to include a revised checklist for Arizona and a new checklist for Texas.

Update -- A listing of publications has been added to Earthworms of North Dakota.

Announcements -- The announcement, agenda, and registration form for Prairie Day 2003 have been added to the Announcements page. This year's third annual event is scheduled to be held June 14, 2003 at the Cross Ranch State Park and Nature Preserve in Oliver County near Hensler, ND.

Announcements -- North Dakota Congressman Earl Pomeroy and representatives from the ND Resources Trust, ND Farmer's Union, ND Adult Farm Management Education, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA-Agriculture Research Station, US Geological Survey, and several media representatives met at Northern Prairie on Saturday, 29 March, for a briefing on carbon sequestration. See the press release Officials Planning Studies of Carbon Sequestration in the Announcements section for additional information.

February 21, 2003

Biological Resource -- Demographic Response of Black Bears at Cold Lake, Alberta, to the Removal of Adult Males uses improved methods of mark-recapture and survival analysis with a combination of new and previously published data to resolve issues concerning population regulation of black bears.

Biological Resource -- Densities, species composition, and wetland habitat use by Autumn reared duck broods in eastern North Dakota are considered in Factors Associated with Autumn Rearing of Duck Broods in Temperate North America.

Biological Resource -- Habitat Fragmentation Effects on Birds in Grasslands and Wetlands: A Critique of Our Knowledge provides a critical review of existing studies done on fragmentation effects for breeding birds in grassland and wetland habitats.

Biological Resource -- Multiple Tube Sampler for Benthic and Pelagic Invertebrates in Shallow Wetlands details the construction and use of a multiple tube device for quantitative sampling of small aquatic invertebrates in wetlands.

Biological Resource -- Inventory of Wintering Geese with a Multispectral Scanner describes the use of a multispectral scanner with an instantaneous-field-of-view (IFOV) that was larger than a goose to inventory winter concentrations of lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens) on a water background.

Update -- The initial addition of county records from the 2002 season has been made to Atlas of North Dakota Butterflies with a more complete update expected later this spring.

Update -- A species account and annotated bibliography for the Virginia Rail has been added to the Effects of Management Practices on Wetland Birds.

Update -- Bird Checklists of the United States has been updated to include a revised checklist for Alaska and a new checklist for Iowa.

Announcements -- A summary of the 2002 Jamestown Christmas Bird Count has been added to the Announcements page.

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