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Minerals Information products focus on the worldwide supply of, demand for, and flow of minerals and materials.

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bullet Periodic Publications

Mineral Commodity Summaries (Annual)

Published on an annual basis, this report is the earliest Government publication to furnish estimates covering nonfuel mineral industry data. Data sheets contain information on the domestic industry structure, Government programs, tariffs, and 5-year salient statistics for over 90 individual minerals and materials.

Minerals Yearbook (Annual)

The Minerals Yearbook is an annual publication that reviews the mineral and material industries of the United States and foreign countries. The Yearbook contains statistical data on materials and minerals and includes information on economic and technical trends and development. The Minerals Yearbook includes chapters on approximately 90 commodities and over 175 countries.

Mineral Industry Surveys (Monthly/Quarterly/Annual)

Mineral Industry Surveys (MIS) are periodic on-line statistical and economic publications designed to provide timely statistical data on production, distribution, stocks, and consumption of significant mineral commodities. These publications are issued monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Metal Industry Indicators (Monthly)

The Metal Industry Indicators (MII) is a monthly on-line newsletter that analyzes and forecasts the economic health of five metal industries: primary metals, steel, copper, primary and secondary aluminum, and aluminum mill products. The MII presents composite leading and coincident indexes of a set of indicators that historically have proven to lead or coincide with the major business cycle changes in these industries. The indexes were developed in cooperation with the Center for International Business Cycle Research at Columbia University. Each month, these indexes are analyzed along with any economy-wide occurrences that would affect the metals industries.

Nonmetallic Mineral Products Industry Indexes (Monthly)

The USGS has prepared leading and coincident indexes for the Nonmetallic Mineral Products Industry (NAICS 327).  These indexes are similar to the ones in Metal Industry Indicators. Historical data for these indexes are available back to 1948.

bullet Data Series

bullet Fact Sheets

bullet Special Publications

Arsenic and Old Waste

This publication was a product of the Interagency Working Group of the President's Council of Environmental Quality and was originally available on the U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Industrial Technologies' web site at URL:

Canvass Forms Catalog (PDF)

Canvass forms are used to acquire most of the information collected by the USGS. The entire mineral economic cycle from production through consumption is covered by 140 canvass forms.

Flow of Cadmium from Rechargeable Batteries in the United States, 1996-2005

Cadmium metal has been found to be toxic to humans and the environment under certain conditions; therefore, a thorough understanding of the use and disposal of the metal is warranted. Most of the cadmium used in the United States comes from imported products. In 2005, more than 80 percent of the cadmium used in the United States was contained in batteries, mostly in rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries used in popular consumer products such as cordless phones and power tools. The flow of cadmium contained in rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries used in the United States was tracked for the years 1996 to 2005.

Gemstones -- An Overview of Production of Specific U.S. Gemstones

This report presents an overview of the production of specific gemstones from deposits within the United States. The Bureau of Mines (USBM), U.S. Department of Interior compiled and analyzed the information contained in this report. The report should be viewed as a current still photograph of a dynamic system. The information presented on specific gemstone or for a specific state can and will change with time. This overview presents historical and reference information on the principal gemstones and their production in certain States or in the United States... More..

Historical Events in Minerals and Materials

The period from 1900 to 2000 was marked by significant changes in the various industries that consume metals and industrial minerals and by major historic events that affected the way minerals are produced and used. This chapter is an overview of some of those changes. The pivotal changes to production and consumption of individual commodities are covered in the annual mineral commodity reviews in the 2000 edition of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Minerals Yearbook.

Historical Statistics for Mineral and Material Commodities in the United States

This digital database, a work in progress, represents a new U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) minerals information product. It is an on-line compilation of historical U.S. statistics on mineral commodities. Each commodity is added to the database upon its completion. When finished, the database will contain data on mineral production, imports, exports, stocks, reported and apparent consumption, and unit value (the value in dollars of a metric ton of apparent consumption) for approximately 90 mineral commodities. World production data are included when available. For some of the commodities, data are reported as far back as 1900. Each commodity file is accompanied by a Microsoft® Word document embedded in the worksheet as an icon that describes units of measure, defines terms, and lists USGS contacts for additional information.

Metal Prices in the United States through 1998

The purpose of this publication is to make an extended price history for a wide range of metals available in a single document. Such information can be useful for the analysis of mineral commodity issues, as well as for other purposes. The chapter for each mineral commodity includes a graph of annual current and constant dollar prices for 1959 through 1998, where available; a list of significant events that affected prices; a brief discussion of the metal and its history; and one or more tables that list current dollar prices.

Mineral Facilities of Africa and the Middle East

This map displays over 1,500 mineral facilities in Africa and the Middle East. The accompanying table gives general information about each mineral facility site including country, location and facility name, facility type, latitude, longitude, mineral commodity, mining method, main operating company, status, capacity, and units.

Mineral Facilities of Latin America and Canada

This data set consists of records for over 900 mineral facilities in Latin America and Canada. Records include attributes such as commodity, country, location, company name, facility type and capacity if applicable, and generalized coordinates.

Minerals Information Team Information Handout

The USGS Minerals Information Team's mission is to collect, analyze, and disseminate information on the domestic and international supply of and demand for minerals and mineral materials essential to the U.S. economy and national security.

Statistical Compendium (1993)

A compilation of data on mining and minerals in the United States. Combines data formerly published in the Minerals Yearbook series for 34 minerals into a longitudinal record. Includes data through 1990.

World Copper Smelters (map and table)

This map and table present information on 124 world copper smelters and 4 low-grade solvent extraction-electrowinning operations whose product requires further processing to produce refined copper. The map shows the locations of facilities and a color code based on the capacity of the facilities.


bullet CD-ROM

The Mineral Economy of Brazil (DDS-53)

This study is a cooperative report between the Ministerio de Minas e Energia and the Department of the Interior. It depicts the Brazilian Government structure, mineral legislation and investment policy, taxation, foreign investment policies, environmental laws and regulations, and conditions in which the mineral industry operates. A total of 37 mineral commodities, or groups of closely related commodities, is discussed. Two colored maps of Brazil, "Tectono-Geological Map" and "Map Showing Major Deposits and Garimpos," are included. The report is in both English and Portuguese in PDF format. It is Windows 3.1, 95, 98, or NT and MAC 7.0 or later compatible.

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bullet Maps

Mine and Mineral Processing Plant Locations - Supplemental Information for USGS MAP I-2654

The locations of 1,879 coal mines and facilities, 8 uranium mines, and 1,965 mines and processing plants for 74 types of nonfuel minerals and materials are shown with symbols on both a large multicolored lithologic map and eight smaller maps. With the exception of certain commodities, such as gold, silver, gemstones, and coal, all mines and plants are shown for which production was reported or estimated in 1997. These localities account for nearly 100 percent of the fuel and nonfuel minerals and materials mined and processed in the United States in 1997, other than crushed stone, sand and gravel, and common clay. Seven smaller maps contain data for nonfuel minerals and materials.
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