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Invasive Species: Will Europe At Last Unite To Combat Thousands Of Alien Invaders? (Apr 3, 2009)
Recent evidence that Europe may be home to 11,000 alien species has spurred the European Commission to release its first ever Communication on invasive species. The Communication, which is currently open for consultation, proposes the development of a European Strategy on Invasive Species. It outlines three potential ways forward, each representing a different level of legislative cost and complexity.

£25m to Protect Precious Woodland and Landscapes from Disease (Mar 3, 2009)
United Kingdom Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs.
The fight against a deadly plant disease plaguing historic gardens, woodland and heathlands across England and Wales received a significant boost today as Environment Minister Jane Kennedy announced £25 million to help eradicate the disease. The new funding will support a five-year programme to manage and contain the risks of two plant diseases Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae from spreading further, following a scientific review and stakeholder consultation.

Invasions By Alien Plants Have Been Mapped In European Union (Jan 27, 2009)
Biological invasions are one of the major threats to biodiversity and in many cases they have considerable impact on economy and human health. For their effective management it is important to understand which areas and ecosystems are at the highest risk of being invaded. The first map of the level of alien plant invasions in European Union was published in the Wiley-Blackwell journal Diversity and Distributions.

Handbook of Alien Species in Europe / (online version requires subscription) - Published 2009
The Handbook of Alien Species in Europe summarizes the major findings of this groundbreaking research and addresses the invasion trends, pathways, and both economic as well as ecological impact for eight major taxonomic groups. Published under the auspices of the DAISIE (Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe) project, is the culmination of three years work by almost 200 scientists. It presents for the first time an up to date cross taxonomic assessment of the history, extent and impact of alien species in Europe.

Worm-eating Slug Found in Garden (Jul 10, 2008)
BBC News.
A "ghost" slug found in a garden in Cardiff has been declared a new species by specialists at the National Museum of Wales and Cardiff University. The origin of this slug, and its route into Britain, is completely unknown, and specimens have not been seen in Europe before this was discovered in Cardiff last year.

The Invasive Non-Native Species Framework Strategy for Great Britain: Protecting our Natural Heritage from Invasive Species (May 28, 2008) and Joint Nature Conservation Committee Response to Departmental Consultation (for draft document)
United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
A public consultation of the draft Strategy was launched Feb 28, 2007 through May 23, 2007. The Secretariat has collated and analysed the responses and these are contained in the Summary of Responses (Sep 2007; PDF | 219 KB).

Public Consultation on YOUR VOICE "Invasive Alien Species – A European Concern"
EUROPA. European Commission.
This internet consultation closed May 5, 2008. See the results of the consultation (May 29, 2008; PDF | 2.5 MB).
The consultation seeks the views of all stakeholders on the scale of IAS problems and how to address them most effectively at EU level. We welcome comments from all interested parties, including individual citizens, industry and consumer representatives, interest groups, the NGO community and other organisations. The results of this consultation will be used to inform the development of EU policy in the field of invasive alien species, the options for which will be presented in a Communication from the Commission at the end of 2008.


Aquatic Alien Species in German Inland and Coastal Waters
Species of Concern; Management

Aquatic invaders of Belarus: Alien Species Database
Belarus Alien Species Database.
Species of Concern

Invasive Species in Belgium
Belgian Forum on Invasive Species.
Species of Concern; Management

Invasive Aliens in Northern Ireland
Environment and Heritage Service (United Kingdom).
Species of Concern; Special Note: See also the report Invasive Species in Ireland (PDF | 1.04 MB)

Invasive Alien Species
EUROPA. European Commission.

Alien Species in Estonia Database
Keskkonnaministeerium (Estoni, Ministry of the Environmenta).
Species of Concern

Non-native Species
Great Britain Non-Native Species Secretariat.

Hypermedia for Plant Protection: Weeds
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (National Institute for Agricultural Research, France).
Species of Concern

Invasive Species Ireland
Invasive Species Ireland.
Species of Concern; Management; Special Note: Invasive Species in Ireland (2006; PDF | 1 MB)

Invasions: The Invasion Potential of Alien Species
UFZ Centre for Environmental Research (Germany).

Invasive Alien Species in Hungary (PDF | 898 KB)
Környezetvédelmi és Vízügyi Minisztérium (Ministry of Environmental Protection and Water Resources, Hungary); National Ecological Network.

Species of Concern; Laws and Regulations; Management

Invasive Plant Species
Latvian Environment Agency.
Species of Concern; Contacts

National Invasive Species Database (Ireland)
National Biodiversity Data Centre.
Species of Concern

Alien Species in Poland
Polska Akademia Nauk (Polish Academy of Sciences). Instytut Ochrony Przyrody (Institute of Nature Conservation).
Species of Concern; Special Note: Searchable database

Regional Biological Invasions Centre
Rossi ĭ sko ĭ Akademii Nauk (Russian Academy of Sciences). Zoologicheski ĭ Institut (Zoological Institute).

Species of Concern; Contacts; Laws and Regulations; Special note: Links, Illustrated database

Alien Species
Naturvårdsverket (Environmental Protection Agency, Sweden). Convention on Biological Diversity.
Contacts; Laws and Regulations; Management

Plant Health Division
United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Publications; Laws and Regulations; Management

Review of Non-Native Species Policy: Report of the Working Group
United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Laws and Regulations

Invasive, Non-Native Species
United Kingdom Environment Agency.
Species of Concern; Management

Non-Native Marine Species in British Waters
Joint Nature Conservation Committee (United Kingdom).
Species of Concern

Non-Native Species
Joint Nature Conservation Committee (United Kingdom).
Species of Concern; Special Note: Species list and profiles

Exotic Plant Invasions: Deleterious Effects on Mediterranean Island Ecosystems
Natural Environment Research Council (United Kingdom). Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.
Species of Concern; Management

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Database of Alien and Invasive Plants in Ireland
Trinity College Dublin. School of Natural Sciences. Botany Department.
Species of Concern

Lithuanian Invasive Species Database
Klaipeda University (Lithuania).
Species of Concern; Special Note: Contains references

INVADER: Invasion and Ecosystem Restoration
University of Coimbra (Portugal). Institute of Marine Research.
Species of Concern; Monitoring

Information on Invasive Plants
Schweizerische Kommission für die Erhaltung von Wildpflanzen (Swiss Commission for Wild Plant Conservation).
Species of Concern; Contacts; Special Note: Species list

Centre for Aquatic Plant Management
Center for Ecology & Hydrology (United Kingdom).
Species of Concern; Publications; Management; Special Note: Fact sheets

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North European and Baltic Network on Invasive Alien Species (NOBANIS)
Artportalen (Species Gateway, Sweden).
Contacts; Laws and Regulations; Management

Belgian Forum on Invasive Alien Species (BFIS)
Belgian Biodiversity Platform.
Species of Concern

Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe (DAISIE)
Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe.
Species of Concern

Audit of Non-Native Species in England (PDF | 532 KB)
English Nature.
Species of Concern

Aquatic Invasions
European Research Network on Aquatic Invasive Species.
Species of Concern

CIESM Atlas of Exotic Species in the Mediterranean Sea
International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Special Note: Illustrated databases

Aliens Invade the Sea
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Publications; Special Note: ICES Code of Practice on the Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms 2003 (PDF | 506 KB)

Amassing Efforts against Alien Invasive Species in Europe
PloS Biology.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Management

Invasive Species
Waldwissen.net. Information for Forest Management in Central Europe.
Species of Concern; Publications; Special Note: Most of site in German

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Last Modified: Apr 08, 2009
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