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OVC does not exercise control over external Web sites.
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Professionals working with victims of crime may find the following training-related links of interest:

Using Geographic Information Systems To Map Crime Victim Services: A Guide for State Victims of Crime Act Administrators and Victim Service Providers (February 2003)
This monograph (NCJ 191877), jointly developed by OVC and NIJ, examines how crime mapping technologies can be used to develop strategic program and financial plans for supporting victim services. Geographic Information System (GIS) technology can analyze the types of crime by location, victim population groups, and the service areas of victim service organizations.

Using Technology To Enable Collaboration (August 2001)
Following the OVC bulletin Denver Victim Services 2000 Needs Assessment, this bulletin (NCJ 187528) continues to document VS2000 initiatives by describing the VS2000 automated information system, its implementation, and suggestions for developing and maintaining technology-based solutions to serve crime victims. It will help victim service providers and agencies determine the best technology for enhancing interagency collaboration to support victims in the community.

Victim Services 2000 (VS2000) Web site
VS2000 is a strategy to support communities in creating a seamless network of services for all crime victims. Demonstration sites in Denver, Colorado, and in Vermont are online for your review. See also the OVC bulletin Denver Victim Services 2000 Needs Assessment for a history of Denver VS2000.

If you would like to suggest a new link, resource, or topic, please forward your suggestion via e-mail to AskOVC.

This document was last updated on June 26, 2008