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Sexual Assault and Rape

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Professionals working with victims of crime may find the following training-related links of interest:

Looking Back—Moving Forward: A Guidebook for Communities Responding to Sexual Assault, Workbook To Accompany Guidebook, and Training Guide (1993)
This OVC guide (NCJ 153768) is designed to help communities develop a training program for responding to sexual assault and write a protocol based on community needs and resources. The Workbook is designed to complement the materials in the Guidebook and to assist Interagency Councils with organizing and carrying out the steps for developing and implementing multidisciplinary, multiagency, victim-centered protocol. The Training Guide is designed to prepare participants—agency and organizational representatives on the Sexual Assault Interagency Council (SAIC)—to write protocol. e-only icon
Abstract and ordering information: Guidebook, Workbook, Training Guide

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Development & Operation Guide (August 1999)
This OVC document (NCJ 170609) provides an effective model for sexual assault medical evidentiary exams and offers a multidisciplinary, victim-centered way of responding to sexual assault victims by outlining specific steps to replicate "best practices" for improving the response to victims.
ASCII (214 kb) or PDF (7 mb)

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Programs: Improving the Community Response to Sexual Assault Victims (April 2001)
This OVC bulletin (NCJ 186366) provides an overview of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) programs and their contributions to improving community response to sexual assault victims, identifies promising practices in such programs, and provides practical guidelines for establishing a SANE program. e-only icon
HTML, ASCII (86 kb), or PDF (2 Mb)

State Legislators' Handbook for Statutory Rape Issues (February 2000)
This OVC handbook (NCJ 178238) discusses state legislative actions to address the issues of statutory rape and provides a framework for developing and analyzing legislation that would criminalize sexual intercourse with a minor based on the minor's age. It includes questions for each issue that legislators and policymakers should consider before drafting new legislation or amending existing laws.
HTML, ASCII (34 kb), or PDF (305 kb)

Victim-Oriented Multidisciplinary Responses to Statutory Rape Training Guide (February 2000)
This OVC guidebook (NCJ 178237) raises the various problems law enforcement, prosecutors, and victim service providers encounter in statutory rape cases and identifies promising practices for dealing with them.
HTML, ASCII (109 kb), or PDF (589 kb)

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This document was last updated on June 26, 2008