National Wear Red Day is Friday, February 5, 2010
Special Anniversary Red Dress Pin. The Red Dress alerts women of The Heart Truth message: "Heart Disease Doesn't Care What You Wear-It is the #1 Killer of Women" Order Now Order Now
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Select a highlighted activity to learn more about how to plan each event.

  1. Organize a local Red Dress fashion show.

  2. Organize a "Red Dress Evening" or "Red Dress Luncheon" and serve a creative menu of heart healthy foods.

  3. Organize free heart health screenings at a community venue.

  4. Ask local stores and restaurants to distribute Red Dress Pins, display National Wear Red Day posters, and/or offer discounts to customers wearing red on the first Friday in February.

  5. Ask your local library to set up a special exhibit featuring heart health and women's heart disease.

  6. Organize a Red Dress Seminar/Health Fair.

  7. Ask local gyms (sports clubs) to distribute heart healthy information.

Additional activity ideas

Tools and materials to help you promote Heart Truth activities, especially National Wear Red Day.