Text of Kazakhstan's New Oil Operations-Related Procurement Rules


Unofficial Translation


Kazakhstan: Approval Rules for Purchase of Goods, Work and Services During Oil Operations


Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 7, 2002 # 612



The Kazakhstani Government enacts this Decree:

  1. To approve attached Rules of purchase of goods, work and services during oil operations.
  2. To appoint the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of Republic of Kazakhstan as an authorized state body to regulate purchase of goods, work and service during oil operations.
  3. The Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall make proposals to the Kazakhstani Government on the regulation of purchase of goods, work and services during subsoil use operations apart from oil operations.
  4. The present decree shall be effective beginning at the date of signature.


Prime Minister of Republic Kazakhstan



Approved by decree of Kazakhstani Government

Dated June 7, 2002 # 612




on purchase of goods, work, and services during oil operations.



Chapter 1. General Provisions


1. The present Rules have been developed with a view to create clauses for fulfillment of Contractor’s that obligations provided by article 63, items 1.7., 1.9. of the Decree of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan that has a force of the law dated January 27, 1996  “On subsoil and subsoil use”, (hereinafter-Subsoil decree), as provided articles 41.6., 41.8 of Decree of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, that has a force of the law, dated June 28, 1995 “On Oil” (hereinafter-Oil decree), and shall determine means and clauses of purchase of goods, work and service during oil operations.

2. The present Rules apply to operation of Contractor (hereinafter – Contractor, contractors) under the Oil Operations Contract when it purchases the goods, work and services during oil operation on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the event when The Contractor assigns its right on purchase of the goods, work and services to the third Party when it purchases the goods, work and services for Contractor.

3.  In the present Rules terms and definitions provided by Subsoil decree and Oil decree are being used.

4.  For purposes of the present Rules the following terms and definitions are being used:

1)      “Client” is Contractor who is buying goods, work and services during oil operations on             the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2)      “Seller” is juridical or natural person who the Client purchases goods, work and services from in order provided by the present Rules;

3)      “Authorized state body” is state body on regulation of order on purchase goods, work and services during oil operations appointed by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4)       “Goods” are equipment, ready-made goods and other materials required for oil operations.

5)      “Work” is paid manufacture of goods, installation of the equipment, construction of buildings and performance of other work required for oil operations under the Client’s assignment.

6)       “Services” is fulfillment of the appropriate paid operations and appropriate work without manufacture of goods and where goods aren’t their object but required for oil operations under the Client’s assignment;

7)      “Tender” is means of purchase of the goods, work and services when the Client offers the appropriate and any contractors to take part in auction on purchase of the goods, work and services for oil operations and undertakes to conclude the agreement with the participants who shall offer the best terms of the agreement;

8)      “Direct production of goods on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan” is production of Kazakhstani enterprise of goods, which are necessary for oil operations and that have certificate of origin (or guarantee of its provision), which confirms its production on the territory of the republic of Kazakhstan;

9)       “Direct production of work on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan” is performance of Kazakhstani enterprise work that is necessary for oil operations with expense ratio for purchase of foreign raw materials, stuffs, equipments not more than 50% as well as attracting foreign labor force and/or foreign organizations performing as subcontractors but not more than 30% of total cost of work.

10)   “Direct production of service on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan” is a service of Kazakhstani enterprise that is necessary for oil operations with expense ratio for attracting foreign specialists and/or foreign organizations performing as subcontractors but not more than 30% of total cost of service;   

11)  “Closed tender” is type of tender in accordance with which the offer to take part there is addressed to the appropriate contractors;

12)  “Open tender” is type of tender in accordance with which the offer to take part there is addressed to any contractors.

13)  “Organizer of the tender” is Client or the third person whom Client can give rights for purchase of goods, work and service to;

14)  “Kazakhstani enterprises” are juridical people founded in the Republic of Kazakhstan as well as individual employers and natural people of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

15)  “Foreign organizations” juridical people who do not come within definition of “Kazakhstani enterprises”;

16)  “Purchase without holding of tender” is purchase of goods, work and service that is necessary for oil operations without holding of tender by Client;

17)  “Potential participant of tender” is a juridical person whom information about holding of tender is sent to;

18)  “Participant of tender” is a potential participant of tender who hands in an tender application as well as who grants all necessary provisions requested by tender in accordance with Rules of holding the tender;

19)  “Winner of tender” is a participant of tender whose tender application is recognized by tender committee as the best during the tender;

20)  “An agreement on results of tender” is an agreement that is concluded between Client and Winner;

5. During oil operations the Client is entitled to purchase goods, work and services from Kazakhstani organizations that comply with standards and other requirements of the present Rules in accordance with the requirements of the Decree on subsoil and Decree on oil.




Chapter 2. Competency of the Authorized state body


The Authorized state body:

-         performs monitoring of purchase process of goods, work and service during oil operations;

-         develops Instruction basing on these Rules about order of consideration of Client’s petition and permission for purchase without tender, about order of approval of tender holding, about order of appointment of  representative of Authorized state body for tender committee  and about order of approval of tender results;

-         performs control of purchase of goods, work and service during oil operations; 

-         confirms the terms of tender on purchase of the goods, work, services during oil operations;

-         involves employees of other state bodies or representatives of Associations (Units) as representative of authorized state body but he is not entitled to transmit authority on performance of control functions of Authorized state body to representative;

-         appoints the representative of authorized state body for tender committee to hold tender;

-         approves the results of holding tender on purchase of the goods, work, services during oil operations;

-         in the event, provided by the present Rules, considers the Client’s applications regarding issue of permission on purchase without tender, permits or prohibits to purchase without tender;

-         develops projects of standard acts, which regulate issues of purchase of goods, work and service during oil operations, develops and confirms methodological materials on purchase of goods, work and service during oil operations within his competency;

-         renders methodological and organizational aid to Clients on issues of purchase of goods, work and service during oil operations. 



Chapter 3. Preliminary procedure of purchase of the goods, work and services



7. Prior to purchasing goods, work and services the Client makes a decision to purchase the goods, work, services as provided by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan and institution documents.

8. Decision of Client about purchase of goods, work and service shall include:

-         direction about conformity of Client’s institution’s competency for decisions on purchase of goods, work and service on state of constitutive documents and requirements of Legislation;

-         nomenclature and volume of purchased goods, work and service, specification or other descriptions, ground of conformity of purchased goods, work and service to description and contents of performed oil operations;

-         determination of Client’s officials or the third person acting on the instructions of Client who bears responsibility for organization and performance of purchase of goods, work and service during oil operations;

-         means of purchase of goods, work and service during oil operations;

-         other information that is necessary for purchase of goods, work and service in accordance with the present Rules.

9. In case, when purchase of goods, work and service is performed without tender Client, within prior procedures, shall petition for delivery of permission in front of Authorized state body, in order provided by the present Rules.          


Chapter 4. Means of purchase of goods, work, service during oil operations and terms of their use


1) Tender and

2) purchase without tender

are means of purchase of goods, work, services during oil operations.

11. The main means of purchase of goods, work and service during oil operations is tender.

12. The representative of the authorized state body shall take part in tender committee during tender.

13. To consider that the tender took place it is necessary participation at least of two participants, if Organizer of the tender recognizes that their proposals satisfy requirements of the tender.

14. The tender shall take place on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

15. The basic language of the tender is official language or the Russian language. 

16. All tender documents, including applications, shall be made in the Russian language.

17. On contradiction in terms of tender documents (including tender documents) stated in two different languages priority shall be given to the Russian language.

18.During tender it is allowed to use any type of tender – closed or open as well as two-stage procedure of conducting of the tender.

19. The organizer of the tender is entitled to use two-stage procedure in case, when:

1)      It is difficult to formulate particularly specification of goods, work or service and determine their technical characteristics and other capability and when the Organizer needs to inquire about tender proposals of potential participants or carry on negotiations with them;

2)      It is necessary to perform scientific investigations, experiments, surveys or developments;

3)      One-stage tender cannot determine a winner of the tender.

20. Two-stage tender includes the following steps:

1)      Inquiry from potential participants proposals, which apply to technical, qualitative or other characteristics of goods, work and service with not pointed tender applications’ costs, analysis of presented proposals and if it is necessary to carry out negotiations with potential participants;

2)      Proposals, which satisfy the technical, qualitative or other characteristics of goods, work, service, tender applications with pointed costs, made by potential participants who have been previously selected by the Organizer;

21. For purchase of goods without tender it is necessary to get the permission of the Authorized state body in order and on terms provided by the present Rules.



Chapter 5. Clauses of the tender.


22. To conduct the tender Client shall approve clauses of the tender in authorized state bodies.

23. For approval of clauses the Organizer of the tender shall submit to authorized state body, decision about purchase of goods, work and service where has to be pointed out kind of tender as well as clauses of tender that is being prepared by organizer of the tender.

24. Clauses of the tender shall include:

1)      Information about conducting of the tender that shall be addressed to potential participant of the tender;

2)      Contents of tender documentation;

3)      Structure of tender committee;

25. On the decision of the Organizer clauses of the tender may include other information not provided by the Present Rules but that fits with sort and structure of acquired goods, work and service.

26. Information about conducting of the tender shall include:

1)      Name and location of the Organizer;

2)      Kind of the tender;

3)      Volume, quality, list of goods, work and service and place of delivery and performance of work and service;

4)      Requested terms of delivery of goods, performance of work and service;

5)      Place and means of receipt of tender documentation;

6)      Place and time of conducting of the tender as well as place and term of presentation of applications for participation;

7)      Qualifying requirements to potential participants of the tender.

27. On the decision of the Organizer information about conducting of the tender can include other information not provided by the present Rules but that fits with kind and contents of purchased goods, work and service.

28. Qualifying requirements shall include the following criteria of the potential participant of the tender:

1)      Professional competency and experience, business reputation:

2)      Financial, material and manpower resources;

3)      Availability of legal capacity.

29. On the decision of the Organizer qualifying requirements can include other criteria not provided by the present Rules that fits with kind and contents of purchased goods, work and service. It is not allowed to include into qualifying requirements criteria that does not fit with character and contents of purchased goods, work and service.

30.  Tender documentation shall include:

1)      List and form of records that confirm qualification ability of the participant (potential participant) of the tender;

2)      Technical and qualitative characteristics of purchased goods, work and service inclusive technical specification, plans, drawings and drafts; quantity of goods; any attendant service that is a subject to perform; place of work performance or delivery of goods or service; requested term of delivery of goods, work performance or service;

3)      List of criteria that shall be taken into account by tender committee while determining the winner of tender application;

4)      Corresponding instruction and description of means of estimation and comparison of alternative tender applications if alternative characteristics of goods, work and service are allowed;

5)      Clauses of agreement or other requirements stated in tender documentation;

6)      Method, on basis of what cost of tender application shall be calculated and including direction to if the cost must include other components in spite of cost of goods, work and service, for example any applicable expenditures for transportation and insurance, paying customs duties and taxes;

7)      Corresponding direction for right of participant (potential participant) to change or cancel his tender application prior to expiration of peremptory day of submission of tender applications;

8)      Means, place and peremptory day of submission of tender applications and their period of validity;

9)      Means that help participants to inquire explanation about tender documentation, and application about intention of Client to have meeting with participants in this stage;

10)  Place, date and time of opening of envelopes with tender applications;

11)  Procedures, which are used to open envelopes with tender applications and consider tender applications;

12)  Direction to an official who bears responsibility for preparation and conducting of the tender.

31. Sometimes the Organizer of the tender can establish a highest start price.          

32. Structure of tender committee shall include:

1)      Order of organization and activities of tender committee;

2)      Information about quantity of tender committee, about the order of attraction of members to the tender committee who are representatives of authorized state body, about their profile of activities;

3)      Information about candidacy of Chairman of the tender committee, his deputy and about secretary of tender committee;

4)      Information about obligations and rights of tender committee - representative of authorized state body. 

33. Position of tender committee shall include clause about attracting into tender committee of a representative of the Authorized state body who is appointed by the Authorized state body during approval of clauses of tender Rules, and rights and obligations of this member of tender committee.

34. If the Organizer has not got specialists of corresponding profession as well as in case of conditioned by character and contents of purchased goods, work and service the Organizer can attract into tender committee representatives of the Authorized state bodies or other organizations as members or experts of committee approved by the Authorized state body.

35. Acceptance of clauses of tender submitted for approval can be dismissed due to submission not all documents provided by the present Rules.

36. The Authorized state body shall approve submitted clauses of tender or shall give founded dismissal within 10 days after receipt of documents.

37. During approval of clauses of the tender the Authorized state body shall appoint its representative for tender committee whose candidacy shall be taken to the Organizer concurrently with approval of clauses of the tender.

38. In case of refusal on approval of clauses of the tender the Authorized state body shall send to the Organizer a corresponding notice.

39. Approval of clauses of the tender shall be made singly in every event of holding of the tender. It is not allowed general approval of clauses of the tender holding at discretion of the Organizer.

40. The Authorized state body shall refuse to approve clauses of the tender in case of:

1)      availability of incorrect information in documents submitted for approval;

2)      contradiction of some clauses of the tender or submitted documents to requirements provided by the present Rules or by other standard acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

41. If the Authorized state body refuses to approve the clauses of the tender the Organizer of the tender shall have entitle to appeal the refusal in trial and in case of non-receipt of approval or not submission of founded refusal in set time-to demand the approval of clauses of the tender in trial.

42. Approved clauses of the tender shall be effective within six months if the authorized state body does not set shorter term. If the period of validity of clauses is not stated, it shall be considered that the clauses shall be effective within six months beginning the time of approval. If it is necessary the period of validity of approved clauses, on petition of the Organizer, may be extended but not more than for six months.


Chapter 6.  Order for holding the tender.

43. After approval of the clauses of the tender the Organizer shall inform the potential participants about holding of the tender.

44. Information about holding of the tender shall be addressed to the potential participants within 30 days prior to end of acceptance of tender application.

45. The method of information of the potential participants shall comply with form of hold tender. During the open tender information about holding of the tender shall be published on republican periodical prints.

46. During the tender Kazakhstani enterprises that produce goods, work and service, which are comply with clauses of the tender as well as standards and other requirements made for oil operations shall be attracted to take part in it.

47. It is not allowed to hold the tender only among the foreign organizations if there are Kazakhstani enterprises that produce goods, work and service on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan that comply with clauses of the tender as well as standards and other requirements made for oil operations.

48. Tender committee shall act beginning the moment of approval and prior to making of final decision on the results of the holding tender.

49. The Chairman of tender committee shall be in charge of its work, preside on committee meetings, plan its work, control the realization of its decision and bear responsibility for activity of the tender committee.

50. The secretary of the tender committee is a specialist of corresponding department of the Organizer, who bears responsibility for organization and purchase of goods, work and service and who speaks Russian. The secretary of the tender committee does not have right to vote for decisions made by the tender committee. The secretary shall submit tender documentations to the potential participants and keep log to register the potential participants of the tender, receive envelopes with tender applications from participants, prepare proposals on the Agenda of the tender committee meeting, necessary documents, materials and draw up the minutes of meeting after holding.

51. Technical experts may be attracted into work of tender committee to give expert conclusions on compliance goods, work and service offered by participants with requirements of tender documentation. The technical experts do not have right to vote for decisions made by the tender committee. The expert conclusion shall drawn up in writing form and shall be attached to the minutes of the tender committee meeting.

52. Technical-organizational provision of work of the tender committee shall be performed by the corresponding department of the Organizer that bears responsibility for organization and purchase of goods, work and service.

53. The Organizer shall give the tender documentations to all potential participants of the tender who has applied for participation in it.

54. The potential participant of the tender who showed his wish to take part in the tender shall, in set time, submit the sealed envelope with his application in accordance with the tender documentations to the Organizer of the tender.

55. The Organizer is entitled not to consider the tender application of potential participants, if they submitted applications by violating terms and requirements established by the Organizer to the contents of submitting applications.

56. The potential participant is entitled to enquire about explanation of the condition of tender documentations within 10 days prior to expiration of peremptory day of submitting of applications.

The organizer shall reply to this enquiry of the potential participant within 3 days and not stating the name shall inform such explanation to all potential participants who the Organizer gave the tender documentations to.

57. The Organizer of the tender is entitled, at any time prior to expiration of peremptory day of submitting of applications, by his own initiative or in reply to enquiry about explanation from some potential participant change tender documentation issuing additions. Additions, without delay shall be informed to all potential participants who the Organizer gave tender documentations to, and has binding force for such potential participants, at that calculus of time of giving the tender applications shall be made since the date of information of potential participants about this type of latest additions.

58. Tender applications shall be in force within the term stated in the tender documentation.

59. Prior to expiration date of tender applications the Organizer shall be able to ask the participants (potential participants) of the tender to extend that term for some additional specific time. The participant (potential participant) shall be able to reject the enquiry and the term of his tender application shall be expired at the end of not extended time.

60. The potential participants shall be able to change or take his tender application. This kind of change or information about reference shall be effective if it is received by the Organizer prior to expiration of peremptory day of submitting of applications.

61. The tender committee shall begin to open the tender applications in accordance with contents of tender documentations about place, date and time of opening envelopes with tender applications.

62. Prior to start of tender the tender committee shall familiarize with tender documentations prepared by the Organizer.

63. The tender committee shall open envelopes with tender applications, estimate and compare them and summarize in accordance with the present Agreement and state of tender documentation and in the presence of all arrived participants of the tender who submitted the tender applications or their authorized representative.

64. The tender committee shall announce name and location of participants, costs offered by them and other basic terms of tender applications to people who shall be present while opening the envelopes, afterwards the tender committee shall begin to consider, estimate and compare the tender applications.

65. When considering, estimating and comparing of the tender applications:

1)      the tender committee can ask the participants to show the explanations  in connection with their tender applications in order to simplify the consideration, evaluation and comparison of tender application;

2)      It is not allowed any enquiries, proposals and allowance in order to bring the tender application that is inadequate in accordance with these requirements.

66. The tender committee can consider the tender application as it meets the requirements, if it has some diversion, which does not change essentially or is not departure from characteristics, clauses and other requirements stated in tender documentations or if there are grammar and arithmetic mistakes that can be corrected not touching upon essence of tender application.

67. The tender committee shall reject tender application if:

1)      the participant of the tender who submitted the application does not comply with qualifying requirements;

2)      the present application does not meet the formal requirements apart from cases provided by the item 66 of the present Rules.

68. The tender committee shall evaluate and compare tender applications, which were received for participation in the tender and shall determine the winner taking into account criteria stated in the tender documentations.                      

69. When the winning proposal is determined, the tender committee should consider the following criteria:

  1. Tender proposal price without customer’s due and payable sum of taxes and other compulsory budget payments;
  2. Operating expenses, maintenance and repair works, delivery time, completion date and date of services rendering, functional characteristics of goods, including availability of Certificates of quality and origin, terms of payment and conditions of guarantees for goods, works and services;


  1. under other equal conditions, the priority of Kazakh manufacturing firms in compliance with item 5 of present Rules, the priority of Kazakh manufacturers considered when submitting the Certificate of Origin (or guarantees for it submission), which confirm that goods were manufactured in Kazakhstan, and priority of Kazakh manufacturers depends on attraction of Kazakh workforce, specialists and Kazakh companies being sub-sellers of work and services.

70. Under other equal conditions of tender proposals from foreign companies, the preference should be given to those participants which:

1.      operate in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2.      attract high-technology production in Kazakhstan;

3.      use goods, works and services of Kazakh companies;

4.      Propose to use foreign goods, works and services under conditions of joint venture establishing with Kazakh company no less than 50% sharing of authorized capital stock.

71. In case, the subject of tender is attraction of consulting services, the criteria of selection are:

1)      qualitative adjectives of consulting services;

              2) work experience of potential seller in the market of such services.

72. The tender committee shall summarize the tender making decisions within 10 days beginning the day of opening the envelopes with applications if the longer term is not set by the clauses of the tender.

73. On results of the tender the following decisions can be made:

1)      the tender did not took place in connection with participation, in the tender, of two or less people who submitted tender applications or in connection with rejection all tender applications;

2)      about announcement of winner of the tender.

74. The decision on the results of the tender shall be drawn up as minutes of the meeting of tender committee in accordance with requirements of the present Rules signed by the tender committee. In the decision about announcement of the winner as well as term of signing of the Agreement on the results of hold tender must be pointed out.      

 75. Tender committee decision is taken by open vote, and is accepted only if the majority votes of the total number of tender committee members were given. In case when the quantity of votes is even, the decision, for which the Chairman of tender committee voted, is accepted.

76. Tender committee members have the right for individual opinion, which, in case of it expression, should be set out in writing and attached to the minutes of the tender committee meeting.

77. The participant of the tender who has not won, must be informed in writing form by the tender committee with short description of criteria because of what his application, during consideration, has been failed.

78. The minutes about results of the tender must include:

1)      short description of purchased goods, work and service;

2)      name and location of participants as well as name and location of the winner and conditions due to he has won;

3)      information about qualified data of participants who submitted application or information about absence of this kind of data;

4)      cost and short description of other basic clauses of every tender application;

5)      short description of criteria of evaluation and comparison of tender applications;

6)      pointing of correspondence reasons if the winner is not determined by the result of the tender in connection with rejection of all tender applications;

7)      generalized statement of enquiry about explanation of tender documentation, reply to them. 

79. Decision of tender committee and results of the tender can be appealed in legislative order by all interested people.

80. Minutes about results of the tender shall be approved by authorized state body within ten days after summation.

81. Prior to approval of the minutes about the tender in authorized state body the Organizer of the tender is not entitled to conclude the agreement on results of conducted tender with the winner of the tender.

82. Authorized state body shall approve the minutes or give founded refusal within 10 days after submitting the minutes about results of the tender for approval.

83. Authorized state body shall refuse in approval of the results of the tender:

1)      If the minutes is not corresponding to requirements of the Present Rules;

2)      If the Rules of conducting of the tender are violated during its procedure;

84. If authorized state body does not approve the minutes about results of the tender, it shall be considered not to take place.

85. The Organizer of the tender is entitled to appeal in court, refusal of authorized state body and in case of not receipt of approval or refusal in set time or not submitting of the founded refusal – demand of approval of minutes in court.

86. In case of approval of minutes about results of the tender where pointed out the winner, the Organizer of the tender shall conclude an agreement on results of timely conducted tender with the winner.                                

87. If the winner doesn’t sign the agreement on the results of tender in terms stated in Protocol on tender results, Organizer of tender is entitled to conclude the agreement with other participants of tender whose offer is more available to Organizer.

88. The parties aren’t entitled to make amendment to the agreement in accordance with which the winner of tender was appointed on the result of tender.

89. If the tender is considered not take place the Organizer is entitled:

1)      to hold the second tender without changing the Rules;

2)      to hold the second tender adding changes into the Rules as well as applying two-stage procedure;

3)      to use method of purchase of goods, work and service without tender in accordance with the present Rules.





7. Terms of purchase without tender


90. Means of purchase without tender shall be allowed when:

1)      the appropriate Kazakhstani or foreign enterprise possesses the goods, work and services or possesses exclusive rights on these goods, work and services.

The Client following buying the goods, equipment, technology or services from the appropriate Seller shall purchase other goods, work and services from the same Seller

2)      because of unification, standardization or compatibility with available goods, equipment, technology or services;

3)      Tender is considered to be failed.

91. To purchase goods, work and services without tender it is necessary to obtain permission on use of means of purchase without tender, for that the Client shall write application to the authorized state body about issue permission.

92. The Client shall attach the Client’s decision on purchase of the goods, work and services to application that shall include besides data provided by item 8 of these Rules:

1)      reason of impossibility or inexpediency to hold the tender, and in the event when the tender has been hold – the reason of its failure, protocol on results of failed tender and reason of impossibility or inexpediency to hold repeated tender, including amended Rules on holding tender;

2)      other documents confirming reason of purchase without tender.

93. The authorized state body shall issue permission on purchase of the goods, work, services without tender or provide the Client with reasonable refusal to issue permission within 10 days.

94.The Client is entitled to appeal, in trial, the Authorized state body’s refusal on allowance of use of purchase without tender and in the event of not receipt of allowance or founded refusal, in set time, - to demand to give an allowance to the Client to use purchase without tender.   


21)  Conclusion


95. In the event of violation of the present Rules while purchasing the goods, work and services during oil operations any potential Supplier of purchased goods, work and services is entitled to appeal the Client’s operation in the Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan n.

96.  Participants of purchase of the goods, work and services during oil operations bear responsibility for violation of the present Rules and other Normative Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Law of RK.





































This report is provided courtesy of the Business Information Service for the Newly Independent States (BISNIS)