U.S. Geological Survey home page

USGS Spectroscopy Lab

National Parks and Monuments (Places we are currently studying)


The U.S. Geological Survey, Imaging Spectroscopy Group is currently mapping in several National Parks. We are using Imaging Spectroscopy to map:

The image above is Delicate Arch in Arches national Park. by Roger N. Clark

We are accomplishing the above goals using diagnostic spectral features to identify specific molecular absorption bands in the spectra of surficial materials. Currently, we are using the NASA Airborne Visual and Infra-Red Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) system for our mapping. AVIRIS produces approximately 17-meter ground spatial resolution (pixel to pixel spacing) in an image 614 pixels (10.5 km) wide and many kilometers long. The spectra cover the 0.4 to 2.5 micron spectral range in 224 bands at 0.01-micron spacing. This spectral resolution allows us to resolve absorption bands due to specific chemical bonds in materials. Every pixel in the image has such a spectrum, so we are able to spatially map the presence and abundance of those bonds as seen from the aircraft. The chemical bonds are associated with specific materials, whether solid, liquid, or gas. Thus, we can produce maps of specific materials. See the speclab home page for additional details and many examples of what can be done with Imaging Spectroscopy .

National Parks and Monuments under study:

Links to the National Park Service:

National Park Service: Visit the Parks Home Page

Phone, email and regular mail addresses of spectroscopy lab personnel for further information.

U.S. Geological Survey, a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Interior

This page URL= http://speclab.cr.usgs.gov/national.parks/national.parks.html
This page is maintained by: Dr. Roger N. Clark rclark@speclab.cr.usgs.gov
Last modified January 8, 2000.