Event: Financing in Eurasia: An Update from ExIm, OPIC and Delta Capital
Date: November 11, 2003
Industry: Finance
Location: Georgetown University
Speakers: Trevor Gunn - Director-BISNIS, US Dept of Commerce & Adjunct Professor-CERES, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
Paul Tumminia - Director-Turkey and Eurasia, US Export-Import Bank (EXIM)
Marlena Hurley - Vice President, Delta Capital
John Aldonas - Managing Director- Small Business, Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
Moderated by Trevor Gunn, Director-BISNIS
Trevor Gunn

Part [1]
Paul Tumminia

Part [1]
Marlena Hurley

Part [1]
John Aldonas

Part [1]
Question and Answer Session

Part [1]
Hits: 119
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