ESA Current Activities

Innovation Forum – September 22, 2008

An Innovation Forum sponsored by Carnegie Mellon University and the Pittsburgh Technology Council with the assistance of the United States Department of Commerce was held on September 22, 2008.  Co-moderators were former Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez and Ashish Arora, Professor of Economics and Public Policy, H.J. Heinz School of Public Policy and Management.  Panelists were:  Dr. Aris Candris, President and Chief Executive Officer, Westinghouse Electric Company; Murry S. Gerber, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Equitable Resources, Inc.; Andrew W. Hannah, President and Chief Executive Officer, Plextronics, Inc.


Innovation Forum – July 28, 2008

An Innovation Forum sponsored by the Institute for Research in Marketing at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota with the assistance of the U.S. Department of Commerce was held on July 28, 2008.  Co-moderators were former Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez and Rajesh K. Chandy, James D. Watkins Chair in Marketing and Co-Director of the Institute for Research in Marketing at the Carlson School of Management.  Panelists were:  George Buckley, Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer, 3M; William Hawkins, President and Chief Executive Officer, Medtronic; and Marilyn Carlson Nelson Chairman of the Board, Carlson.

Click here to read the forum transcript (PDF) Offsite Notification


Innovation Forum – March 17, 2008

An Innovation Forum co-sponsored by the Commerce Department and the Kauffman Foundation was held on March 17, 2008.  Co-moderators were former Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez and Carl Schramm, President and CEO of the Kauffman Foundation.  Panelists were:  Emily DeRocco, President of The Manufacturing Institute at the National Association of Manufacturers; Len Rodman, Chairman, President and CEO of Black & Veatch; and Bill Zollars, Chairman, President and CEO of YRC Worldwide. 

Click here to read the forum transcript (PDF) Offsite Notification

The Gulf Coast: Economic Recovery
Two Years after the Hurricanes

After two years, Federal aid in response to Hurricane Katrina (August 2005) and Hurricane Rita (September 2005) continues flowing to the Gulf Coast and significant economic recovery in Louisiana and Mississippi is evident.  While showing some progress, economic conditions in New Orleans, Louisiana and Gulfport-Biloxi, Mississippi, however, have not fully recovered.  This is the sixth and final report by the Economics and Statistics Administration on the economic effects of these hurricanes.  This report focuses on the economic recovery that has occurred since the hurricanes ravaged the Gulf Coast over two years ago.

Click here to access these reports

Residential Propane Price Analysis - 2007

Pursuant to the requirements of the Propane Education and Research Act of 1996 (PERA), the Department of Commerce prepares an annual analysis of changes in propane prices relative to other energy sources. The 2007 report presents the relevant price data and concludes that propane prices have not exceeded the threshold established by PERA.

Read the entire analysis: PDF format (PDF) Offsite Notification

Macroeconomic and Industrial Effects of Higher Natural Gas Prices

Over the past year, there has been some concern over the potential economic impact of unusually high natural gas prices. Although natural gas prices declined from $10 per thousand cubic feet (mcf) in December 2005 to about $6 recently, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects prices to return to the unprecedented price levels of last year as we move back into this winter’s heating season. This paper examines the potential economic and industry impacts of unusually high natural gas prices.

Read the entire report: PDF format (PDF) Offsite Notification

Macroeconomic and Industrial Effects of Higher Oil and Natural Gas Prices

In the past few years, the U.S. economy has grown at a healthy pace in the face of a relentless rise in energy prices. However, almost all analysts agree that continued energy price increases will affect the overall economy and employment, and might affect different sectors of the economy in different ways. This paper examines the possible effects of an energy price rise both at the national and industry level.

Read the entire report: PDF format (PDF) Offsite Notification


Innovation Metrics

On January 18,  former Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez was presented with the report of his Advisory Committee on Measuring Innovation in the 21st Century Economy.  In    accepting the report, Secretary Gutierrez announced steps that the federal statistical agencies and others would take to explain and quantify one of the largest and most    elusive drivers of the economy ─ innovation.  Among the innovation measurement    initiatives announced by Gutierrez were comprehensive accounting of the effect of high-tech goods and services, measuring the increase in productivity due to increased investments  in innovation, and expanding collection of data on innovation.

Advisory Committee on Measuring Innovation in the 21st Century Economy

Click here to access the Innovation Measurement report
Click here  to access the press release

Experts to Discuss Possible Innovation Measurement Recommendations (PDF) Offsite Notification

Second Meeting of the Measuring Innovation in the 21st Century Economy Advisory Committee held on September 12, 2007 in Washington D.C.

First Meeting of the Measuring Innovation in the 21st Century Economy Advisory Committee held on February 22, 2007 in Washington D.C.



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STAT-USA Services

STAT-USA is a part of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Unlike much of the government, they operate on a cost-recovery basis and do not receive any appropriated funds.

STAT-USA provides three main informational services, in addition to several other services catering to specific users. The three main information databases are STAT-USA/Internet, USA Trade Online, and EuroTrade Online.

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STAT-USA provides three main informational services, in addition to several other services catering to specific users. The three main information databases are STAT-USA/Internet, USA Trade Online, and EuroTrade Online. Read More

Last Reviewed: January 21, 2009