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Manager's Tool Kit
International Management Plans

Contains invasive species management plans for non-U.S. geographical areas. See Manager's Tool Kit - Management Plans by Species for species specific management plans.

Global Biodiversity Outlook 2 (2006; PDF | 8.5 MB)
Convention on Biological Diversity.

Global Invasive Species Programme Strategic Plan (2006-2010) (2006; PDF | 1 MB)
Global Invasive Species Programme.

Global Strategy on Invasive Alien Species (2001; PDF | 714 KB)
Global Invasive Species Programme.


Australian Weeds Strategy and Australian Weeds Strategy: A National Strategy for Weed Management in Australia (2006; PDF | 88 KB)
Commonwealth of Australia. Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council.
Developed by: the Australian Weeds Committee.

Killing Us Softly - Australia's Green Stalkers: A call to action on invasive plants, and a way forward - A 2020 Vision Statement (2003; PDF | 924 KB)
Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management.

NSW Control Plan for the Noxious Marine Weed Caulerpa taxifolia in NSW waters (Feb 2004)
New South Wales Department of Primary Industries.

New South Wales Invasive Species Plan 2008-2015
New South Wales Department of Primary Industries.

Noxious and Environmental Weed Control Handbook: A Guide to Weed Control in Non-Crop Aqautic and Bushland Situations, 3rd Edition (2007; PDF | 1.78 MB)
New South Wales Department of Primary Industries.

Weeds CRC Strategic Plan 2004-2008 (2004; PDF | 253 KB)
CRC for Australian Weed Management.


An Invasive Alien Species Strategy for Canada (Sep 2004)
Environment Canada. Biodiversity Convention Office.

Canada's National Wildlife Disease Strategy (Draft) (Sep 2004)
Environment Canada. Canadian Wildlife Service.

Invasive Plant Strategy for British Columbia (PDF | 934 KB)
Invasive Plant Council of British Columbia.

National Invasive Alien Species Strategy (2004)
Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Plant Health Division.

Management Guidelines for Invasive Alien Species in Canada's National Parks (Mar 1997)
Ecospherics Ethics.
Prepared for: Parks Canada. National Parks Branch.


European Strategy on Invasive Alien Species (Dec 5, 2003; PDF | 295 KB)
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats.

HALTING THE LOSS OF BIODIVERSITY BY 2010 — AND BEYOND: Sustaining ecosystem services for human well–being
EUROPA. European Commission.

Helping to Prevent the Spread of Invasive Non-native Species: Horticultural Code of Practice (Great Britain) (Mar 2005; PDF | 98 KB)
United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Norwegian Strategy on Invasive Alien Species (May 2007)
Norway Minstry of the Environment.

The Invasive Non-Native Species Framework Strategy for Great Britain: Protecting our Natural Heritage from Invasive Species (May 28, 2008) and Joint Nature Conservation Committee Response to Departmental Consultation (for draft document)
United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
A public consultation of the draft Strategy was launched Feb 28, 2007 through May 23, 2007. The Secretariat has collated and analysed the responses and these are contained in the Summary of Responses (PDF | 219 KB).

New Zealand

Auckland Regional Pest Management Strategy 2002-2007 (Aug 2002; PDF | 1.6 MB)
Auckland Regional Council.

Pest Management Plan: Plan for the Management of Weeds and Pest Animals (Jun 2004)
Wellington City Council.

Northland Regional Pest Management Strategies
Northland Regional Council.

Strategic Plan for Managing Invasive Weeds (Oct 1998) and Animal Pests Publications and Weed Publications
New Zealand Department of Conservation.

Pacific Islands
Pacific Ant Prevention Plan (Mar 2004; PDF | 696 KB)
World Conservation Union. Invasive Species Specialist Group.
Prepared by: Pacific Invasive Ant Group (PIAG)
On behalf of the IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)

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Last Modified: May 05, 2009
Page Reviewed: May 03, 2007
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