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NREL Research Review

The NREL Research Review is published annually to highlight some of the Laboratory's most recent accomplishments in the research and development of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. This work is carried out to help secure, through science and technology, an energy future that is environmentally and economically sustainable.

Image of the 2007 Research Review Cover.

2007 Research Review

The 2007 Research Review focuses on efforts to commercialize NREL's innovations, including an overview of NREL's recent technology transfer activities. The issue charts out a five-step process for commercialization and presents examples of NREL's current research, development, and deployment activities that relate to those five steps.

Along the way, the 2007 issue touches on such technologies as organic solar cells, quantum dots and other nanotechnologies, biofuels derived from algae and cellulosic biomass, solid-state lithium batteries, hydrogen production using biohybrids, systems to integrate hydrogen technologies with the electrical grid, energy-efficient buildings, and manufacturing processes for thin-film solar cells.

Read the full issue of the 2007 Research Review.


NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
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Content Last Updated: December 12, 2008