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Grants and Funding

Requests for Proposals

Provides grants and funding information for invasive species. Resources are listed by closing date for applications (or letters of intent or pre-proposals) for the calendar year, with latest date listed first.

If you would like your grant information posted here, please contact us.

Deadline submission 2009:
| Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000


Tamarisk Eradication, Riparian Area Restoration, and Channel Restoration within the Walker River Basin - FWS-RENO-09-07 (open Jan 2, 2009)
Funding from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Funding is available for tamarisk eradication, riparian area restoration, and channel restoration efforts within the Walker River Basin that are designed to enhance water delivery to Walker Lake, with priority given to activities that are expected to result in the greatest increased water flows to Walker Lake; and activities, to complete the design and implementation of the Western Inland Trout Initiative and Fishery Improvements in the Sate of Nevada with an emphasis on the Walker River Basin. See Desert Terminal Lakes Program for more information.
Closing date for applications is Dec 31, 2009.

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Freshwater Future - Requests for Proposals (have to be a paying member to apply)
Freshwater Future.
The goal of the Freshwater Future grants program is to provide financial support to activities that actively promote aquatic habitat protection by influencing community and/or individual behavior or opinion, corporate conduct, and/or public policy and that strengthen the role of individuals and community groups working locally to protect and restore shorelines, inland lakes, rivers, wetlands, and other aquatic habitats in the Great Lakes Basin.
Application deadlines are Mar 30, 2009 (Spring funding cycle) and Sep 30, 2009 (Fall funding cycle).

Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program / Grants.gov - PARTNERS-09 (open Jan 12, 2009)
DOI. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program Act authorizes the Secretary of Interior to provide direct technical and financial assistance to private landowners interested in restoring, enhancing, and managing fish and wildlife habitats on their own lands. Funding above $25,000 for an individual project must be approved at the Washington Office level. Projects under the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program are funded at the local level. A listing of coordinators by state is available at Regional and State Contact Information.
Closing date for applications is Sep 30, 2009.

Costal Program - COASTAL-09 (open Jan 12, 2009)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service seeks participation in the Coastal Program. Projects include exploring the possibility of pursuing a cooperative agreement for habitat assessment, protection, and/or restoration, or receiving technical advice. The first step is to contact local Coastal Program coordinators. See the Coastal Program for more information.
Closing date for applications is Sep 30, 2009.

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Wisconsin Aquatic Invasive Species Control Grants Program (PDF | 45 KB)
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Eligible organizations include counties, cities, towns, villages, tribes, public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts, town sanitary districts, school districts, nonprofit conservation organizations, lake associations, and river management organizations. Grants may be used to fund aquatic invasive species control projects for any waters of the state including lakes, rivers, streams and the Great Lakes. The grants may be used to fund education, prevention and planning projects, establish infestation control projects, or conduct early detection and rapid response projects.
Applications are due (Feb 1, 2009 for the spring grant cycle) and Aug 1, 2009 for fall cycle.

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North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA)
DOI. FWS. Division of Bird Habitat Conservation. The North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) of 1989 provides matching grants to organizations and individuals who have developed partnerships to carry out wetlands conservation projects in the United States, Canada, and Mexico for the benefit of wetlands-associated migratory birds and other wildlife.
Closing dates are proposals are Jul 31, 2009 and (Mar 6, 2009).

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-AFRI-002010 (open Dec 17, 2008)
AFRI is a new competitive grant program to provide funding for fundamental and applied research, extension, and education to address food and agricultural sciences. While AFRI covers an equally broad scope of topics and will support many of the grant types offered by the former National Research Initiative (NRI), the new authority allows greater flexibility in the types of projects funded to include: single function projects in research, education and extension, and integrated research, education and/or extension awards. AFRI is the new core competitive grant program for research, education, and extension.
Closing date for applications is Jul 30, 2009; this program has multiple deadline dates depending on specific initiative.

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Rapid Response Food and Agricultural Science for Emergency Issues
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
This program provides a mechanism to quickly provide the science necessary to more effectively respond to important emerging issues vital to agriculture, food science and related natural and human resources.
Letter of Intent due date: Jul 30, 2009.
Closing date for applications is Jul 30, 2009.
: Part of the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program - USDA-CSREES-AFRI-002010

Global ReLeaf Grants
American Forests.
Global ReLeaf is American Forests' education and action program that helps individuals, organizations, agencies, and corporations improve the local and global environment by planting and caring for trees.
Application deadlines are and Jan 15, 2009 and Jul 1, 2009.

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Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act: National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program / Grants.gov - CWG-10 (open Jan 26, 2009)
DOI. FWS. National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Progam.
The Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act established the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program to acquire, restore, and enhance wetlands in coastal States through competitive matching grants to State agencies. Example of restoration effects includes: planting native vegetation and removal of exotic plants and animals that compete with native fish and wildlife and alter their natural habitats
Deadline for applications is Jun 26, 2009.

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Animal Health and Well-Being: Tools and Resources
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
A major obstacle to advances in veterinary immunology and disease control is the lack of sufficient publicly available immunological reagents specific for ruminants, swine, poultry, equine and aquaculture species. In response, in FY 2005, the National Research Initiative initiated support for the US Veterinary Immune Reagent Network to begin to address this reagent gap for the U.S. veterinary immunology research community.
Letter of Intent due date: Jun 1, 2009.
Closing date for applications is Aug 14, 2009.
Note: Part of the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program - USDA-CSREES-AFRI-002010

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Noxious Weed Eradication in Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota - BLM-MT-RFA09-0843 (open Feb 20, 2009)
Funding available to prioritize and target undesirable plant species or group of species to be located, controlled or contained on public lands within a specific geographic area in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
Closing date for applications is May 31, 2009.

Multi-Species Conservation Program American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funding Announcement - 09SF300005 (open date Mar 10, 2009, modified Mar 11, 2009)
With recent enactment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act), the Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region (Reclamation), is requesting applications for RECOVERY ACT Funding for implementation of the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program (LCR MSCP). The LCR MSCP is a multi-stakeholder, Federal and non-Federal partnership which balances the use of the Colorado River water resources with the conservation of native species and their habitats in compliance with the Endangered Species Act.
Closing date for applications is May 30, 2009.

Knotweed Control Program Project Solicitation (PDF | 26 KB) (open Apr 15, 2009)
Washington State Department of Agriculture.
The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) is soliciting proposals for the control of knotweed in Washington State.
Closing date for applications is May 14, 2009.

Integrated Pest Management: Crops at Risk, Risk Avoidance and Mitigation, and Methyl Bromide Transitions Competitive Grants Programs / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-ICGP-002154 (open date Mar 25, 2009)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
CSREES requests applications for the following programs:1)Integrated Pest Management: Crops at Risk Competitive Grants Program (CAR);Integrated Pest Management: Crops at Risk Program The goal of the CAR program is to enhance the development and implementation of innovative, ecologically based sustainable IPM system(s).
Closing date for applications is May 11, 2009.

Multistate Conservation Grant Program
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (Association) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) work cooperatively together to manage the Multistate Conservation Grant Program (MSCGP). State agencies and non-governmental organizations are eligible for grants. Projects must benefit sport fish, wild birds, and/or wild mammals; and must benefit at least 26 states, a majority of states in a USFWS region, or Regional Associations.
Letter of intent due date is May 6, 2009.

Interregional Research Project #4 Minor Crop Pest Management Program / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-SRGP-002176 (open date Apr 3, 2009)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The primary goal of the IR-4 program is to provide safe, effective and economical pest management solutions for growers of minor/specialty crops.
Closing date for applications is May 4, 2009.

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Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative (CCPI)
USDA. Natural Resources Conservation Service.
The Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative (CCPI) is a voluntary conservation initiative that enables the use of certain conservation programs with resources of eligible partners to provide financial and technical assistance to owners and operators of agricultural and nonindustrial private forest lands. Eligible programs include the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program.
Public comments due by Apr 8, 2009 and deadline for proposals is Apr 23, 2009.
Note: see Federal Register Notice (Mar 10, 2009).

Biology of Weedy and Invasive Species in Agroecosystems
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The long-term (10-year) goal of the program is to provide ecologically and economically rational strategies for management, control, or elimination of weedy or invasive species in agroecosystems. The priorities for FY2009 focus on measuring impact of exotic and invasive species on ecosystem function and services.
Letter of intent deadline is Apr 20, 2009.
Closing date for applications is Jun 19, 2009.
Note: Part of the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program - USDA-CSREES-AFRI-002010

Assessment of the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program's Efforts to Manage Nonnative Smallmouth Bass - 09-SF-40-2885 (open Feb 20, 2009)
The Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program has implemented efforts aimed at reducing smallmouth bass numbers through mechanical removal (mostly electrofishing). Through this program, the Recovery Program has amassed large amounts of data over the past 5 years on smallmouth bass abundance, size structure and movement in the basin. The Recovery Program, together with the Bureau of Reclamation's Upper Colorado Regional Office (Reclamation), is now requesting proposals to use this data to evaluate effects of the Recovery Program's smallmouth bass mechanical removal program on smallmouth bass population dynamics in the Yampa, Green and Colorado rivers and to evaluate likelihood of reaching smallmouth bass abundance targets through mechanical removal.
Closing date for applications is Apr 15, 2009.

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Arthropod and Nematode Biology and Management: Suborganismal Biology
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The Suborganismal Biology element of the Arthropod and Nematode Biology and Management program supports hypothesis-driven research at the cellular and molecular levels to address the problem of managing arthropod and nematode pests and the Nation's over-dependence on harmful pesticide applications.
Letter of Intent due date is Apr 13, 2009.
Closing date for applications is Jun 26, 2009.
Note: Part of the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program - USDA-CSREES-AFRI-002010

Special Research Grants Program: Pest Management Alternatives Research / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-SRGP-002097 (open Feb 26, 2009)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The purpose of Pest Management Alternatives Program (PMAP) is to provide support for and encourage the development and implementation of integrated pest management (IPM) practices, tactics, and systems for specific pest problems while reducing human and environmental risks. This purpose addresses the broader National Roadmap for Integrated Pest Management (PDF | 37 KB) .
Closing date for applications is Apr 7, 2009.

Coastal and Marine Habitat Restoration Project Grants - Recovery Act / Grants.gov - NOAA-NMFS-HCPO-2009-2001709 (open Mar 6, 2009)
DOC. NOAA. National Marine Fisheries Service.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is seeking applications for projects that will restore coastal and marine habitats under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, including wetlands restoration, dam removals, shellfish restoration, and coral reef restoration.
Closing date for applications is Apr 6, 2009.

Critical Issues: Emerging and New Plant and Animal Pests and Diseases / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-OP-002099 (open Mar 4, 2009, modified Mar 9, 2009)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The program is designed to provide one-time seed funding to help initiate work requiring immediate attention until other longer-term resources can be secured to address the issue. CSREES will be soliciting proposals on an as-needed basis during the year to address specific new or emerging issues. For this particular solicitation CSREES is requesting proposals that address specific aspects of the following issues: Red bay ambrosia beetle and Laurel wilt in avocados, 1000 cankers disease in walnut, and Uganda (Ug99) strain of Wheat Stem Rust.
Closing date for applications is Apr 3, 2009.

Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program (BTNEP) Mini-Grants Program
Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program.
This year, BTNEP is targeting the mini-grants program specifically toward projects that deal with invasive species in Louisiana. Invasive species are exotic plants and animals whose introduction here is causing harm to the ecology, economy, or to human health. 2009 Mini-grants will be awarded to proposals that reduce the impacts from invasive species through management or removal of invasives, educational outreach, or promotion of native species in the landscape as alternatives to common exotics. 
Closing date for applications is Apr 2, 2009 (noon).

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Arthropod and Nematode Biology and Management: Tools, Resources, and Genomics
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The Tools, Resources, and Genomics program element of the Arthropod and Nematode Biology and Management program will support research to better develop genomic tools, resources, and tool development for agriculturally important arthropods or nematodes to facilitate future genome sequencing and annotations studies or lead to hypothesis-driven research in the future.
Letter of Intent due date is Apr 1, 2009.
Closing date for applications is Jun 24, 2009.
Note: Part of the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program - USDA-CSREES-AFRI-002010

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Plant Biosecurity
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
This program aims at ensuring a continued supply of safe, high-quality, affordable food and fiber for consumers in the U.S. and international trade partners. The goal of the program is to harness our Nation's scientific and technological resources to help agricultural producers and professionals implement strategies to safeguard agriculture in the U.S. from critical and emerging high-consequence plant pathogens and arthropods.
Letter of Intent due date is Apr 1, 2009.
Closing date for applications is Jun 24, 2009.
Note: Part of the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program - USDA-CSREES-AFRI-002010

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Alabama Invasive Plant Council (ALIPC) Education and Outreach Grant Program (see links for Request for Proposals and Application Form)
Alabama Invasive Plant Council.
The Alabama Invasive Plant Council is soliciting grant proposals for non-native invasive plant education and outreach projects in the State of Alabama. The intent of these grants is to provide funding to organizations or individuals who wish to educate the public about non-native invasive plants and their effects on the environment, economy, and quality of life in Alabama. Proposals will be accepted from individuals, public or private nonprofit organizations, and academic institutions.
Closing date for applications is Mar 31, 2009.

Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program - FY 2009 (corrected year) Competition - NOS-OCRM-2010-2001655 (open Jan 2, 2009)
The Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP) was established in 2002 to protect coastal and estuarine lands considered important for their ecological, conservation, recreational, historical or aesthetic values. (individual states have invasive species plans)
Only coastal states and territories with Coastal Zone Management Programs or National Estuarine Research Reserves approved under the CZMA that have submitted a draft CELCP plan to NOAA on or before Feb 24, 2009, are eligible to participate in the FY 2010 CELCP competition.
Closing date for applications is Mar 31, 2009.

Freshwater Future - Requests for Proposals (have to be a paying member to apply)
Freshwater Future.
The goal of the Freshwater Future grants program is to provide financial support to activities that actively promote aquatic habitat protection by influencing community and/or individual behavior or opinion, corporate conduct, and/or public policy and that strengthen the role of individuals and community groups working locally to protect and restore shorelines, inland lakes, rivers, wetlands, and other aquatic habitats in the Great Lakes Basin.
Application deadlines are Mar 30, 2009 (Spring funding cycle) and Sep 30, 2009 (Fall funding cycle).

2009 Conservation Innovation Grants / Grants.gov - USDA-NRCS-NHQ-09-01 (open Jan 16, 2009)
USDA. Natural Resources Conservation Service.
The purpose of Conservation Innovation Grants is to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies while leveraging the Federal investment in environmental enhancement and protection, in conjunction with agricultural production. The Natural Resources Concerns Category includes invasive species management for Grazing Land, Forest Health and Wildlife Habitat.
Closing date for applications is Mar 20, 2009.

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Integrated Solutions for Animal Agriculture
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The goal of this program is to implement projects that are responsive to high priority, economically relevant needs of the animal agriculture sector. This includes creating multidisciplinary teams with expertise in animal production and/or animal disease, trained evaluators, economists, social scientists, and/or others to assess the cost-benefit of various approaches, effects on behavior modification, etc.
Letter of Intent due date is Mar 16, 2009.
Closing date for applications is Jun 30, 2009.
Note: Part of the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program - USDA-CSREES-AFRI-002010

California Sea Grant Call for Preliminary Proposals – 2010
California Sea Grant.
The California Sea Grant College Program is now soliciting preliminary proposals for projects to begin Feb 1, 2010. Faculty and academic staff from universities and scientists from research institutions throughout California are invited to apply. Funding includes state resource management needs for Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs).
Deadline for applications is Mar 13, 2009.

High Plains Invasives Project Matching Grant 2009 (scroll to view grant application)
Colorado Department of Agriculture. Noxious Weed Management Program.
This 3-year program (starting in 2008) targets seven currently uncommon invasive weeds in the Eastern High Plains of Colorado. The purpose is to help build local partnerships to address and eradicate these seven weeds before they gain a significant foothold on the high plains. Grant funding will be available for the 2008, 2009, and 2010 summer seasons.
Deadline for applications is Mar 13, 2009.

Long Island Sound Futures Fund 2009
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
The purpose of the Long Island Sound Futures Fund is to support projects that restore and protect the health and living resources of Long Island Sound, including Invasive Species Control.
Applications must be submitted in the Easy Grants online application system by Mar 13, 2009.

Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-ICGP-002012 (open Jan 21, 2009)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The purpose of this program is to fund projects that will enhance the ability of producers and processors who have already adopted organic standards to grow and market high quality organic agricultural products. Priority concerns include biological, physical, and social sciences, including economics.
Closing date for applications is Mar 9, 2009.

Arthropod and Nematode Biology and Management: Organismal and Population Biology
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The Organismal and Population Biology element of the Arthropod and Nematode Biology and Management program will support hypothesis-driven research at the organismal and population level to address the challenges of managing arthropod or nematode pests and enhancing use of beneficial organisms. This program makes single function research awards.
Closing date for applications is Mar 9, 2009.
Note: Part of the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program - USDA-CSREES-AFRI-002010

North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA)
DOI. FWS. Division of Bird Habitat Conservation. The North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) of 1989 provides matching grants to organizations and individuals who have developed partnerships to carry out wetlands conservation projects in the United States, Canada, and Mexico for the benefit of wetlands-associated migratory birds and other wildlife.
Closing dates are proposals are Mar 6, 2009 and (Jul 31, 2009).

Florida Native Plant Society Conservation Grants
Florida Native Plant Society Conservation.
Grants invite local FNPS Chapters to submit proposals for grants for native plant conservation work in their communities. On-the-ground native plant community restoration, acquisition, habitat and native plant biodiversity enhancement projects are examples of projects this grant can assist. The awards target small non-profit or other types of organizations that need seed money to get a project off the ground. The grant awardee need not be a FNPS member but they must have a liaison with a recognized FNPS chapter.
Closing date for applications is Mar 6, 2009.

Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) Annual Solicitation FY 2010 (open Jan 8, 2009)
Environmental Security Technology Certification Program.
The Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), a Department of Defense (DoD) program that promotes innovative, cost-effective environmental technologies through demonstration and validation at DoD sites. Includes topic area for control on non-native invasive species on DoD lands and waters.
Pre-proposals are due Mar 5, 2009.

Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) - Request for Proposals: I3N Content Building Grants
Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network.
This Request for Proposals (RfP) seeks proposals from organizations that house high-quality invasive alien species (IAS) information and data. Proposals that are selected will be awarded start-up or "seed" funding for making data publicly available through the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) Invasive Species Thematic Network (I3N). IABIN participating countries can apply.
Closing date for applications is Mar 5, 2009.

Vermont Aquatic Nuisance Species Grant-in-Aid Grants for Project Year 2009 (PDF | 360 KB)
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. Water Quality Division.
The Grant-in-Aid Program provides financial assistance to municipalities and agencies of the state for aquatic nuisance species management programs.
Applications must be postmarked Mar 4, 2009.

University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program (UC IPM)
University of California. Agriculture and Natural Resources.
The overarching goal of the Extension IPM Demonstration Grants Program is to reduce potential risks from pests to the environment, human health, or economic interests of the system. The program aims to achieve this reduction by demonstrating IPM practices and increasing adoption of IPM practices in production agriculture, and residential and urban areas, and to protect natural are as such as wildlands and water bodies.
Deadline for proposals is Mar 3, 2009.

Microbial Genome Sequencing Program / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-AFRI-001967 (open Dec 4, 2008)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The Microbial Genome Sequencing Program is a collaborative interagency activity of the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Science Foundation (NSF). The development and implementation of strategies, tools and technologies are expected to significantly enhance the value of existing and novel genome sequences. This program is part of The Microbe Project, a coordinated effort of multiple federal agencies to promote genome-enabled microbial science. (See http://www.microbeproject.gov.)
Closing date for applications is Mar 2, 2009.

Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-SCRI-002038 (open Feb 2, 2009)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) was established to solve critical industry issues through research and extension activities. Specialty crops are defined as fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, and horticulture and nursery crops, including floriculture. Projects include efforts to identify and address threats from pests and diseases, including threats to specialty crop pollinators.
Letter of intent deadline is Mar 2, 2009.
Closing date for applications is Apr 15, 2009.

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Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species - 2009 Call for Proposals (PDF | 45 KB)
Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species.
In 2009 the MAP is offering a limited Small Grants Competition (SGC) to encourage interested groups and individuals to submit proposals for possible funding. Up to $50,000 is available to fund several projects. MAP encourages projects that are in the $7,000 to $10,000 range.
Full proposals are due Feb 28, 2009.

FLEPPC Julia Morton Invasive Plant Research Grant Program (PDF | 33 KB)
Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council.
The Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC) has available funding for a small number of research grants/scholarships for students conducting studies related to invasive exotic plant management in Florida. Particular plant species involved in the study should be one or more of the Category I or Category II exotic pest plant species listed by FLEPPC.
Closing date for proposals is Feb 27, 2009.

Five-Star Restoration Program / Request for Proposals (open Nov 11, 2008)
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; Environmental Protection Agency.
The Five Star Restoration Program provides modest financial assistance on a competitive basis to support community-based wetland, riparian, and coastal habitat restoration projects that build diverse partnerships and foster local natural resource stewardship through education, outreach and training activities. Funding is available from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Southern Company and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E).
Closing date for applications is Feb 16, 2009.

Gulf of Maine Environmental Compliance and Protection Fund
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
The Trustees of the Gulf of Maine Environmental Compliance and Protection Fund announce a funding opportunity to restore natural resources damaged in the coastal environment of the Gulf of Maine, State of Maine.
Full proposals are due Feb 15, 2009.

Proactive Species Conservation Grant Program / Grants.gov - NMFS-PRPO-2009-2001608 (open Jan 5, 2009)
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service is seeking to provide federal assistance, in the form of grants or cooperative agreements, to support conservation efforts for the current list of marine and anadromous species under the Proactive Species Conservation Program. Projects may include management, scientific research, or outreach activities, or a combination. Management projects should demonstrate a high probability of contributing to recovery of the species, especially through mitigation of existing threats or factors inhibiting recovery of the species.
Closing date for applications is Feb 12, 2009.

Gila River Basin Native Fish Conservation Program - Redfield Canyon 4-80 - 201819J807 (open Feb 3, 2009)
The purpose of this project is to attempt mechanical removal of green sunfish within Redfield Canyon. Two capture sessions each year will be made until the sunfish are eradicated. If the green sunfish have not been eradicated by the end of year 3, the CAP Program will evaluate the prospects for control of green sunfish, and consider funding efforts for an additional two years.
Closing date for applications is Feb 10, 2009.

Chiricahua Leopard Frog Conservation - R2-FWS-BA-CC2D (open Feb 3, 2009)

The purpose of this project is to conserve the federally listed Chiricahua Leopard Frog on the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge by preventing re-establishment of the invasive, non-native American Bullfrog. This will involve hand removal of frogs and monitoring refuge sites to determine status of the Chiricahua Leopard frog and possible re-invading bullfrogs. This is part of an ongoing project that has been active for over 10 years in efforts to conserve, protect and improve conditions for the Chiricahua leopard frog.
Note: This project is intended for the University of Arizona as part of an ongoing project. No other applicants will be accepted for this project.
Closing date for applications is Feb 9, 2009.

2009 Cleanwater Grants
BoatU.S. Foundation.
The BoatU.S. Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is offering grant funds up to $4,000 for non-profit groups to develop projects that help stop the spread of invasive species on local waterways.
The deadline for submitting applications is Feb 2, 2009.

Wisconsin Aquatic Invasive Species Control Grants Program (PDF | 45 KB)
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Eligible organizations include counties, cities, towns, villages, tribes, public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts, town sanitary districts, school districts, nonprofit conservation organizations, lake associations, and river management organizations. Grants may be used to fund aquatic invasive species control projects for any waters of the state including lakes, rivers, streams and the Great Lakes. The grants may be used to fund education, prevention and planning projects, establish infestation control projects, or conduct early detection and rapid response projects.
Applications are due Feb 1, 2009 for the spring grant cycle (and Aug 1, 2009 for fall cycle).

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Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-BRAP-002008 (open Dec 16, 2008)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The purpose of the USDA Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grants (BRAG) Program is to assist Federal regulatory agencies in making science-based decisions about the effects of introducing genetically engineered organisms into the environment. Investigations of effects on both managed and natural environments are relevant.
Closing date for applications is Jan 30, 2009.

International Science and Education Competive Grants Program (ISE) / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-SERDIP-001905 (open Nov 17, 2008)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The International Science and Education Competitive Grants Program (ISE) supports research, extension, and teaching activities that will enhance the capabilities of American colleges and universities to conduct international collaborative research, extension and teaching. Invasive species projects are eligible for this program. Some of the grants funded in the past concern issues potentially related to invasive species such as, seed technology education and biofuels.
Closing date for applications is Jan 16, 2009.

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Animal Health and Well-Being: Animal Health
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The Animal Health element focuses on a select group of high priority infectious and metabolic diseases of economic importance to U.S. animal agriculture, including equine and aquaculture species. Applications will increase knowledge and technology needed to prevent or reduce the severity of animal diseases. They will also contribute to an increase in the efficiency of animal production systems, a reduction in non-tariff trade barriers, and safe guard high-quality foods for consumers.
Letter of Intent due date is Jan 16, 2009 .
Closing date for applications is Apr 1, 2009.
Note: Part of the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program - USDA-CSREES-AFRI-002010

Pinellas County Environmental Fund (open Nov 11, 2008)
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
The Pinellas County Environmental Fund (PCEF) is a partnership among Pinellas County (Florida), NOAA, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The PCEF provides funding through a competitive application process for projects that will protect, restore, or enhance the natural resources of Tampa Bay. Projects of particular interest include those that address the on-the-ground habitat and species conservation priorities and recommendations outlined in the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) for Tampa Bay, Charting the Course, a plan developed through the Tampa Bay Estuary Program, which includes an Invasive Species Action plan, and its related partnerships.
Pre-proposal deadline is Jan 15, 2009. Full proposal deadline is Mar 15, 2009.

Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) (open Nov 6, 2008)
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program.
The Department of Defense (DoD), through the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), is seeking to fund environmental research and development in the Sustainable Infrastructure focus area. SERDP projects include Southwest Ecological Systems on Department of Defense Lands: Altered Fire Regimes and Non-Native Invasive Plants. SERDP also will be funding environmental research and development through the SERDP Exploratory Development (SEED) Solicitation. SEED proposals are requested in response to Innovative Control/Eradication Approaches for the Brown Tree Snake (Bioga irregularis).
Closing Dates: For the Core solicitation, pre-proposals from the non-federal sector are due Jan 8, 2009, and federal proposals are due Mar 12, 2009. All SEED proposals are due Mar 12, 2009.

Gila River Basin Native Fish Conservation Program - New Mexico 08 - 201816J811-08 (open Jan 12, 2009)
Nonnative fish pose conservation threats to native fishes, particularly loach minnow, spikedace, and headwater chub. Removal of nonnative species and evaluation of efficacy of removal efforts to improve native fishes status is proposed.
Closing date for applications is Jan 19, 2009.

Global ReLeaf Grants
American Forests.
Global ReLeaf is American Forests' education and action program that helps individuals, organizations, agencies, and corporations improve the local and global environment by planting and caring for trees.
Application deadlines are and Jan 15, 2009 and Jul 1, 2009.

Extension Integrated Pest Management Coordination and Support Program / Grants.gov - USDA-CSREES-SLBCD-001907 (open Nov 20, 2008)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The FY 2009 Extension Integrated Pest Management Coordination and Support Program (EIPM-CS) contains two components, the EIPM-CS Coordination Program and the EIPM-CS Support Program. Both programs support state and local contributions in advancing the goals of the National Roadmap for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) by addressing priority needs associated with the coordination, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of Extension IPM programs. EIPM-CS funds will help agricultural producers and other pest managers adopt alternative pest management practices through training, demonstration, and evaluation of methods and strategies.
Closing date for applications is Jan 6, 2009.

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Last Modified: Apr 24, 2009
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