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Grants and Funding

Requests for Proposals

Provides grants and and funding information for invasive species. Resources are listed by closing date for applications (or letters of intent or pre-proposals) for the calendar year, with latest date listed first.

2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000


Bring Back the Natives: A Public-Private Partnership for Restoring Populations of Native Aquatic Species
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
The BBN program seeks projects that initiate partnerships with private landowners, demonstrate successful collaborative efforts, address watershed health issues that would lead to restoring habitats and are key to restoring native aquatic species and their migration corridors, promote stewardship on private lands, and that can demonstrate a 2:1 non-federal to federal match.
Pre-proposals are due Dec 2, 2005, and full proposals are due Feb 3, 2006.

2006 Biopesticide Grant Program
Rutgers University.
IR-4 Biopesticide Research Program
The primary objective of the IR-4 Biopesticides Research Program is to further the development and registration of biopesticides for use in pest management systems for specialty crops or for minor uses on major crops. Proposals are due Nov 18, 2005.

National Cooperative Highway Research Program: Guidelines for Vegetation Management
Transportation Research Board.
Research is needed to produce a resource for roadside managers to use in developing or enhancing their vegetation management programs. By creating Guidelines that encourage sound practice, this research should help highway agencies to manage their resources more effectively. Proposals are due Nov 16, 2005.

Hawaii Invasive Species Council Research and Technology Program Request for Proposals
Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources.
The primary purpose of the program is to initiate and support research that will result in improved management or control strategies for alien invasive species in Hawai’i. Proposals are due Nov 3, 2005.

Pulling Together Initiative
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
The Pulling Together Initiative (PTI) provides support on a competitive basis for the formation of local Weed Management Area (WMA) partnerships. These partnerships engage federal resource agencies, state and local governments, private landowners, and other interested parties in developing long-term weed management projects within the scope of an integrated pest management strategy. Pre-proposals are due Oct 28, 2005, and full proposals are due Dec 9, 2005.

Ballast Water Technology Demonstration Program (Jun 30, 2005)
DOC. NOAA. National Sea Grant.
For FY 2006, the BWTDP is running the following two grants competitions:

1) FON: OAR-SG-2006-2000363. A competition to fund Treatment Technology Projects up to a maximum of $400,000. This competition is sponsored jointly by NOAA, FWS and MARAD, and is similar to BWTDP grant competitions run in previous years. The Full Funding Opportunity Announcement for this competition is currently available online at Grants.gov.

2) FON: OAR-SG-2006-2000364. A competition to fund up to $1.25M over four years for a Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation Facility for ballast water technologies, most probably in the Great Lakes region.
This competition will also fund projects up to $50,000 which develop proposals for additional facilities in all regions of the US, as the BWTDP anticipates running a similar competition in future years. This competition is sponsored by NOAA and FWS. Publication of the Full Funding Opportunity Announcement for this competition is scheduled on or about July 15, 2005.

Dates: Preliminary proposals must be received by the National Sea Grant Office by 4 p.m. EDT on Friday, Aug 26, 2005. Full proposals must be received by 4 p.m. EST on Friday, Dec 2, 2005. Only those who submit preliminary proposals meeting the preliminary proposal deadline and other requirements of this notice are eligible to submit full proposals.

2005 Native Plant Conservation Initiative
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, in partnership with the Plant Conservation Alliance, is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals for the 2005 Native Plant Conservation Initiative (NPCI). Through this initiative, grants of federal dollars will be provided to non-profit organizations and agencies at all levels of government to promote the conservation of native plants.
Pre-proposals due Aug 15, 2005.

Oregon State Weed Board Grant Program
Oregon Department of Agriculture. Oregon State Noxious Weed Grant Program.
The Oregon State Weed Board (OSWB) has approximately one million dollars that will become available during the 2005-2007 biennium for funding noxious weed control projects. It is a priority of the OSWB to fund projects that restore, enhance or protect fish and wildlife habitat, watershed function, and native salmonid or water quality. The implementation of a comprehensive watershed approach to integrated control of noxious weeds is the most effective strategy to minimize impacts and protect natural resources in Oregon from invasive noxious weeds.
Applications due Aug 8, 2005.

To Implement Priorities for Preventing the Introduction or Spread of Non-Native Invasive Species of the Genus Caulerpa
AidPage. IDILOGIC; DOI. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The Stockton Fish and Wildlife Office (STFWO) is soliciting proposals to implement projects directly related to preventing introduction or spread of non-native invasive Caulerpa species into coastal waters of the U.S. Total funding available may be as much as $20,000 for 1-2 projects. Successful awards will be made through grants or cooperative agreements.
Applications due Jun 30, 2005.

2005 Centennial Year Challenge
National Forest Foundation.
The National Forest Foundation (NFF), chartered by Congress, engages America in community-based and national programs that promote the health and public enjoyment of the 192 million acre National Forest System, and administers private gifts of funds and land for the benefit of the National Forests.

All grants awarded by the NFF require a 1:1 cash match through non-federal donations. In the RFP, NFF notes it will fund collaborative projects that address invasive species on and around National Forests and Grasslands nationwide through project activities such as removal and control of noxious weeds; citizen-based monitoring and GIS-mapping in areas of high infestation; watershed health improvement through re-seeding of riparian areas with native species; and cultivation of native species for restoration use.
Proposals due May 27, 2005.

Call for Research Pre-proposals Related to Invasive Plant Management in Florida (PDF | 59 KB)
Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Effective management of invasive non-native plants in Florida’s public lands and waterways requires science-based policy and methodology. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Bureau of Invasive Plant Management annually provides funds to scientific researchers in support of the Bureau’s aquatic and upland plant management programs. Funded projects in research may vary from basic lifehistory studies of invasive species to better invasive plant control methodology.
The deadline for submission of pre-proposals for FY05-06 is May 7, 2005.

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Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management (PREISM), Fiscal 2005
USDA. Economic Research Service.
The ERS Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management (PREISM) is pleased to announce a third competitive awards program. This program, now in its third year, solicits research proposals in three broad topic areas: (1) Institutions and Incentives for Efficient Invasive Species Prevention and Management, (2) Practical Decision Analysis for Invasive Species Management, and (3) International Dimensions of Invasive Species Management. Proposals should focus on economic research, and/or decision support system development, with direct implications to USDA policies and programs for protection from, control/management of, regulation concerning, or trade policy relating to invasive species.
The deadline for submitting proposals is Apr 29, 2005.
Note: See Grants Awarded

Hawaii Invasive Species Council, Research and Technology Grant Program - Request for Proposals (Mar 1, 2005; PDF | 94 KB)
Hawaii Ecosystems at Risk Project; Hawaii Invasive Species Council.
The Hawaii Invasive Species Council Research and Technology request for proposals for the final round of grants for State fiscal year 2004-2005 is now available. Due to several factors the third and final deadline for the Hawaii Invasive Species Council Research and Technology Grant program has been moved back to Apr 4th. Letters for the first round are forthcoming and the second round has not been evaluated yet. Thank you for your patience. Again, a range of small and large projects, terrestrial and aquatic will be considered. All funding will need to be spent within one year of the award date.
The deadline for submitting proposals is Apr 4, 2005.

National Research Initiative: Animal and Plant Biosecurity
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
This program area will help agricultural producers and professionals implement strategies to better safeguard American agriculture from animal and plant diseases and pest losses. It will establish investigator collaboration on animal and plant diseases and pests of high economic impact that are currently endemic in the U.S., or that are future threats due to accidental or intentional introduction through bioterrorism attacks.
Letters of intent are due May 2, 2005, and final proposals are due Jun 15, 2005.

FLEPPC Education and Outreach Grants
Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council.
The Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council is soliciting grant proposals for non-native invasive plant education and outreach projects in the State of Florida. The intent of these grants is to provide up to $1000 in grant funding to organizations or individuals who wish to educate the public about non-native invasive plants and their affect on the environment and the economy of south Florida. Proposals will be accepted from individuals, public or nonprofit organizations, and academic institutions.
Proposals must be received by 5 p.m. on Mar 15, 2005.

Cooperative Weed Management Area Support Grants
Montana State University. Center for Invasive Plant Management.
The Center for Invasive Plant Management announces the availability of grants to support restoration/reclamation/revegetation efforts in cooperative weed management areas (CWMAs). The goal of this program is to promote cooperative efforts to convert invasive-plant-dominated lands into plant communities that are more appropriate for the land use. Grants of up to $5,000 may be used for salaries and benefits, communications, meetings, and supplies. Overhead is limited to 10% of the total grant.
Proposals must be submitted online by 5 p.m. (MST) Mar 4, 2005.

Vermont Aquatic Nuisance Control Graint-in-Aid Program
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation.
The Grant-in-Aid Program provides financial assistance to municipalities and agencies of the state for aquatic nuisance control programs. The Grant-in-Aid Program, established under 10 V.S.A. § 922, is administered by the Vermont Aquatic Nuisance Control Program within the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Water Quality Division. Funding for Grant-in-Aid Program grants comes from a portion of annual revenues from motorboat registration fees. In addition, federal funds may be available.
Applications are due Mar 2, 2005

Regional Integrated Pest Management Competitive Grants Program - Western Region
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The Regional Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Competitive Grants Program supports projects that develop individual pest control tactics, integrate individual tactics into an IPM system, and develop and implement extension education programs.
Applications are due Feb 18, 2005.

Conservation Partnership Initiative (PDF | 129 KB)
USDA. Natural Resources Conservation Service.

The Conservation Partnership Initiative (CPI) is a voluntary program established to foster conservation partnerships that focus technical and financial resources on conservation priorities in watersheds of special significance and other geographic areas of environmental sensitivity. Applications must address one of these priorities: 1. Terrestrial and freshwater aquatic wildlife habitat 2. Invasive species 3. Livestock nutrient management 4. Minor/specialty crop pest management
Applications are due Feb 17, 2005.

Clean Water Grants Program
BoatU.S. Foundation.
The BoatU.S. Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is seeking nonprofit groups to help educate mariners about good environmental habits with grants of up to $4,000 for clean boating projects. Clean Water grants are designed to educate boaters on issues such as petroleum pollution prevention, pumpout education, and littering prevention. Although all clean boating education proposals will be considered, the 2005 "focus topic" is on reducing the spread of aquatic nuisance species - with extra consideration given to proposals that address the issue.
Applications must be e-mailed or postmarked by midnight Feb 1, 2005. The grants will be awarded in late Apr 2005.

National Research Initiative: Biology of Weedy and Invasive Plants
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The goal of this program is to support: (1) research on general processes and principles that contribute to plant competitiveness or invasiveness; or (2) development of novel methods to alter plant species competitiveness, invasiveness, or abundance. It is expected that the knowledge gained from these studies will ultimately be applied to agricultural settings or closely related systems involving weedy or invasive plants. This program also invites applications for projects that integrate research, extension, and/or education to address novel and environmentally sound forms of controlling weedy or invasive plants.
Applications must be received in the Proposal Services Unit/CSREES by 5:00pm on Jan 7, 2005.

Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) (solicitation for FY 2006 was released Nov 10, 2004)
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program.
The Department of Defense, through the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), will be funding environmental research and development in five core thrust areas: Cleanup, Compliance, Conservation, Pollution Prevention, and Unexploded Ordnance. The objective of this effort is to identify, develop, and transition environmental technologies that relate directly to defense mission accomplishment. Invasive Species has the potential to reach parties interested in this funding opportunity.
Pre-proposals for the non-federal sector are due Jan 6, 2005. Proposals for the federal sector are due Mar 10, 2005.

Lake Champlain Basin Program - Education and Outreach Grants (PDF | 37 KB)
Lake Champlain Basin Program.
Up to $7,500 to support eligible groups for their efforts to inform students and/or adults about key Lake Champlain issues identified in Opportunities for Action. Total Available: $25,000.
An original plus eight copies must be Rreceived by 5:00 pm Wednesday, Jan 5, 2005 at the LCBP office in Grand Isle.

Gulf of Mexico Program - Funding Information
EPA. Gulf of Mexico Program Office.
To assist States, Indian Tribes, interstate agencies, and other public or nonprofit organizations in developing, implementing, and demonstrating innovative approaches relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution; (2) To expand and strengthen cooperative efforts to restore and protect the health and productivity of the Gulf of Mexico in ways consistent with the economic well being of the region and to achieve the goals and priorities recommended by the Gulf of Mexico Program Policy Review Board (a Federal Advisory Committee) and the funding priorities of the Gulf of Mexico Program Office (GMPO). Funding Priority: Priorities include: place-based, watershed protection activities led by State and local communities; improving water quality in priority coastal areas identified as impaired in accordance with Section 303(d) of the CWA; restoring and protecting important marine habitats; Gulf-wide initiatives such as monitoring, assessment; protecting public health by supporting educational efforts targeted as high-risk consumers from pathogens; supporting State efforts to detect, track, and report harmful algal bloom events; assist Gulf States provide compatible fish consumption advisories regarding methylmercury; reducing nutrient loading in the lower Mississippi River and its tributaries and supporting the Hypoxia Action Plan (from the Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog).

Last Modified: Apr 06, 2009
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