Event: Georgian Success Stories and New Business Opportunities
Description: Georgia is often considered a very challenging business environment, but there are stories of successful cooperation between foreign investors and strong local management teams, and of the viability of transparent business. This meeting introduced three leading businessmen from Georgia who successfully operate in the banking, real estate, food processing and glass and mineral water sectors. Mamuka Khazaradze and Badri Japaridze are chief executives of TBC Group, which controls TBC Bank, a leading Georgian financial institution, and the Georgian Glass and Mineral Water Company, the largest exporter in Georgia. George Tavadze is Chairman of the GMT Group, a joint venture between a private US investor and a Georgian management team, which owns two Marriott hotels in Tbilisi, and a leading Georgian dairy product and juice production company, Sante Walsh Products. Our speakers spoke about how they managed to build their businesses and where they see opportunities for Georgia and potential US investors and partners.
Date: June 18, 2003
Industry: Business Opportunities
Location: BISNIS Offices, Ronald Reagan Building/International Trade Center, Washington, DC
Speakers: Dr. Trevor Gunn, Director, BISNIS
Mamuka Tsereteli, Executive Director, America-Georgia Business Council
Mamuka Khazaradze, Chairman, TBC Bank/Georgian Glass and Mineral Water Company
Badri Japaridze, Vice Chairman, TBC Supervisory Board
George Tavadze, Chairman, GMT Group (Marriott Hotels, Sante Walsh Products)
Trevor Gunn and Mamuka Tseretelil

Part [1]
Mamuka Khazaradze

Part [1]
Badri Japaridze

Part [1]
George Tavadze

Part [1]
Georgian Success Stories Q and A

Part [1]
Hits: 83
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