U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones Board

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S u b z o n e   A p p l i c a t i o n s
Subzones are special purpose sites for use by one company for a limited purpose, usually for manufacturing or processing activities. They are established as adjuncts to existing general-purpose zones.

  • The FTZ staff has established a goal of processing all manufacturing applications within 6-8 months (fast processing depends on good applications and no case issues arising).

  • Prior to submitting an application, it is recommended that you send a draft application
    to the FTZ staff by email using our dedicated e-mail address: ftz@ita.doc.gov.

  • The application should be submitted using the following guidelines:
Application Guidelines for Special-Purpose Subzone with FTZ Manufacturing Authority
Application Guidelines for Distribution Subzone
Application Checklist
  • The Manufacturing Center contains additional information and sample applications

  • Applicants are allowed to use estimates, ranges, categories, etc. in providing specific
    plant or FTZ savings information so that information so that information is presented in non-proprietary form (applications are available to the public).

  • If an application involves a state where inventory is subject to personal property taxation, the application should contain, as an attachment, correspondence from the affected parties (e.g., local school board) indicating their views on the impact of your proposed activity.

  • An objective of the zone program is to encourage commercial and industrial operations in the United States that would otherwise have been conducted abroad for Customs reasons, including export activity. Zones should help create employment, not simply divert it from one region of the country to another.

  • When an application has been filed, the FTZ staff publishes a notice in the Federal Register opening a public comment period. The applicant also must publish notice in a local newspaper describing the proposal.

  • The application fee for a non-manufacturing subzone or manufacturing with less than 3 products is $4,000. The fee for manufacturing with 3 or more products is $6,500. The Federal Tax ID number is 91-2014781. Checks should be made payable to:
    U.S. Department of Commerce ITA.

  • Required Number of Copies: As of February 2009, we require an original, three paper copies (reduced from eight copies) and an electronic copy (Adobe PDF format preferred). If you cannot submit a PDF-format copy, you may submit a MS Word-format copy. Note that, in either case, the electronic copy must include color maps and scans of the signed versions of all letters. If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Whiteman at elizabeth_whiteman@ita.doc.gov or (202) 482-0473.

  • Application should be sent to: Andrew McGilvray, Executive Secretary, Foreign-Trade Zones Board, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Ave., NW, Room 2111, Washington, DC 20230

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