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Downloadable Spatial and tabular data sets are available in the following areas of research. Many of these are in various stages of development. We are building a spatial search engine which will be housed on these pages in the near future.

Name Spatial (GIS) Data Tabular Data Interactive Maps
World Petroleum Assessment
Spatial and Tabular information supporting petroleum assessments throughout the world. Includes numerous web mapping services.
National Oil and Gas Assessment Yes Yes Many
Spatial and Tabular information for basins in the US. Includes priority basin assessment as well as a national assessment from 1995.
Coal Assessments Yes Yes Many
Includes 2000 national coal assessment information
Coal Databases   Yes In Progress
National Coal Resource Data System (NCRDS), USCOAL, USCHEM, COALQUAL, COALPROD data systems
Federal Lands Data Yes   In Progress
Compiles geospatial data from dozens of federal and state sources on surface and subsurface land ownership
Uranium   In Progress In Progress
Contains a database of Uranium mineral samples and an interactive mapping application
Oil Shale   In Progress Planned
Oil Shale Assays from numerous sites available for use.
Produced Waters Database   Yes Planned
A database of nearly 77,000 samples from water produced from energy-related activities
Organic Geochemistry Database   Yes Planned
A large collection of geospatially referenced datasets available for public download.
Seismics Data Processing and Interpretation   Planned  
Maintains a large collection of seismic data.
National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska Seismic Data Archive   Yes Planned
An extensive library of seismic data from the NPR-A region.














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