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Mine Type: All Mines Category:    Haulage and Transportation
Mine Safety and Health Administration
MSHA's Accident Prevention Program
Miner's Tips

"Work Experience Around Machinery"

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Safety Something YOU can live with!

A miner sent in a list of tips for working around machinery underground. This list can also be applied to surface mines. He ended the letter (actually an E-Mail) with the words "From Experience". Well, experience does count, and in this case it counts to six. So, in his own words (with minor editing), George's safety tips: 1. Always assume that the operator of moving equipment can not see you. Stay out of the way.

Work Experience Around Machinery 2. Don't make a practice of leaning or resting against equipment. You could get electrocuted.

3. Do not get between two pieces of mobile equipment. They could crush you.

4. Keep body parts inside the canopy of the equipment you are operating.

5. When using cables or chains to pull, always consider that they could break or pull apart. Stay out of pinch points, or the direction the cable or chain would fly, if it broke.

6. Watch for possible causes of accidents and stay alert at all times. Don't get in too big of a hurry and forget about safety.

Reissued: 04/30/2002
Tag # AP2002-M046

MSHA extends a thank you and a tip of the hardhat to George Cissna, a winner of a limited edition sticker and patch.
If you have a tip you would like to pass on, you can e-mail it to If your Miner's tip is selected, you will receive credit in this space.

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