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Mine Safety and Health Administration
MSHA's Accident Prevention Program
Miner's Tips

Hand Tools - Bars

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Safety Something YOU can live with!

Hand Tools - Bars Slate bars, scaling bars, rock bars, pry bars....whatever you call them, bars account for almost 1 of every 4 hand tool accidents!

The most common accident occurs when the bar slips, either from a miner's hands or from the object being pried. Injuries include deep gashes and punctures, lost and broken teeth, broken bones and concussion.

The second most common accident is strain resulting from using the bar to pry. Strained backs, necks, arms, shoulders, groins and legs account for many lost time injuries.

Third on the list are injuries that occur when the pried object suddenly breaks free causing the miner to fall onto the ground or into a piece of equipment. This has resulted in broken bones and in a few instances, the bar being driven into body parts.

You can avoid most of these accidents by remembering the following:
  • If you're prying something heavy, get help. When "something's got to give," it might be your back!
  • Get good footing, and avoid working in awkward positions.
  • Anticipate when something might ‘break free', and be prepared.
  • Avoid using bars when your gloves are wet, oily or greasy.
  • If you need a bar, get one. Use the proper tool for the job -- NEVER use drill steels or bolts.

Issued: 05/14/2002
Tag # AP2002-M048

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