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Quick Facts: Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania's Web Site and Kids Page

Capital City: Harrisburg

Pennsylvania: Map and State Flag

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Nickname: Keystone State
Motto: Virtue, Liberty, and Independence
Statehood: December 12, 1787
Origin of State's Name: Named in honor of Admiral William Penn, father of William Penn the state's founder, and means Penn's Woods
Largest Cities: Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Erie, Allentown, Scranton
Border States: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, West Virginia
Land Area: 44,820 sq. mi., 32rd
State Bird: Ruffed Grouse
State Flower: Mountain Laurel
State Tree: Eastern Hemlock
State Song: Pennsylvania
E-mail your Congressperson: U.S. House: 111th Congress
U.S. Senate: 111th Congress

Or look up your Congressperson in the Congressional Directory database!