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Health Links - Diseases
 Aging/Elder Care  Children's Health  Choosing Care  Weight Control  Diseases  Drugs and Medical Devices  Nutrition  Associations  Insurance  Health Risks  Medical Procedures  Mental Health  Product Recalls  Safety  Travel Information  Womens' Health
Government Resources
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - The mission of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) is to serve the public by using the best science, taking responsive public health actions, and providing trusted health information to prevent harmful exposures and disease related to toxic substances.
AgingStats.Gov - The Forum encourages collaboration among federal agencies to improve the quality and usefulness of data on the aging population.
AIDS.gov - AIDS.gov serves as an information gateway to guide users to Federal domestic HIV/AIDS information and resources The goal is to ease access to information on Federal HIV/AIDS prevention, testing, treatment, and research programs, policies, and resources. AIDS.gov contains links to guide you to information on those topics.
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - This site provides information on functions, news, information, and hot issues of the Animal and Plant Health Inspeciton Service.
Cancer Topics - Cancer.Gov - This web site provides current and accurate information from the National Cancer Institute, the Federal government's principal agency for cancer research. You will find a wide range of cancer information, including treatment options, clinical trials, ways to reduce cancer risk, ways to cope with cancer, and resources for researchers and health care professionals.
CDC's Travel- related diseases and outbreaks - This page lists travel-related diseases, outbreaks, and vaccinations required fo travel in foreign countries
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -
FDA Heart Health Online - The site focuses on FDA-regulated products to prevent, diagnose, and treat cardiovascular disease. It describes cardiovascular conditions, and it links to detailed information about specific diagnostic tests, medications, medical devices, and healthy lifestyles.
Healthfinder.gov - This site has hand-picked health information from A to Z including: prevention & wellness, diseases & conditions, alternative medicine - plus medical dictionaries, encyclopedia, journals, and more
MEDLINE - MEDLINE® is NLM's bibliographic database of citations and abstracts from over 4600 biomedical journals published in the United States and worldwide. PubMed also has links to the full-text versions of articles at participating publishers' web sites.
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute - The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) provides leadership for a national program in diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lung, and blood; blood resources; and sleep disorders.
Todos los Temas - Healthfinder.gov en español -
Private Resources
Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center - Here you will find information about Alzheimer's disease and related disorders.
BreastCancer.org - This site's mission is to eradicate breast cancer as a life-threatening disease, by advancing research, education, screening and treatment.
Lung Cancer Alliance - Learn about the importance of detecting lung cancer early and find out if you are at high risk for developing the disease.
Important Notices - Site Map
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