Certification in Russia: Principal conceptions and definitions

Certification of products is
a procedure of verification of conformance of products to specific requirements- safety, electromagnetic compatibility etc.

Certification is realized by the organizations independent from the manufacturer, supplier or seller accredited by appropriate committees, agencies or departments.

The official document confirming that the certified products meet the specific safety requirements accepted or established by the state is a Certificate of Conformity.

The authorized Certification body has the right to issue it on the basis of the following documents:

  • Test reports;
  • Sanitary epidemiological conclusions;
  • Technical descriptions of products and technical conditions, regulation documents, contracts etc.

Verification of conformance of products and rendered services to specific requirements is one of components of assessment mechanism of their safety used before the certified products come to the market.

Verification procedure of conformance can be realized by the manufacturer himself by means of declaration of conformity as well as by certification conducted by independent bodies.

There are two forms of verification of conformance in the Russian Federation at the present time.

For carrying out certification of products, i.e verification of their conformance to statuary requirements specified in normative documents it is necessary to have availability of permission documents and indisputable evidence of safety.

When declaring conformity of products by the manufacturer the evidence of safety is collected directly by the manufacturer, if necessary, (or according to the requirements of national normative documents) he can invite certification body or testing laboratory to do that.

If an independent third party issues a certificate of conformity, then it is its task to collect the evidence of safety.

Main differences in two forms of verification of conformance:  

Declaration of conformity

Certification of products

The manufacturer(supplier, executor)

Product (service) certification body carries on

The document certifying conformity- declaration of conformity

The document certifying conformity - certificate of conformity


Information for consumer:
- information about registered product declaration or in accompanying documents;
- marking with comformity mark

Information for consumer:
- a copy of certificate of conformity;
- information of the certificate of comformity in accompanying documents;
- marking with comformity mark stating code of certification body

In the Russian Federation the necessity of verification of conformance of products and services is established by the following normative acts:

List of products which conformance can be confirmed by declaration of conformity was approved by the Decree of the RF Government no.766 dated 07.07.1999 (including addenda and amendments inserted by the RF Decree no.287 dated 29.04.2002). On the basis of this list the nomenclature of products which conformance can be confirmed by declaration of conformity was prepared and approved by Gosstandart of Russia.

Rules and procedures of certification are stated in Russian certification rules, GOST R Certification System documents as well as in certification rules of uniform products worked out in accordance with them.

Sequence of works by the participants of certification, certification schemes and recommendations for their usage are described in “ Order of product certification in the Russian Federation”.

Under schemes of certification the combination of actions is implied and the results of these actions are considered as a basis of verification of conformance of products to the established requirements.

Maximum set of certification schemes of products acting at the present time
Certification schemes structure

Number of scheme

Tests in accredited testing laboratories and other ways of evidence of conformance

Check of production (quality system)

Inspection check up of certified products (quality systems, production)


Tests of type




Tests of type

Analysis of production



Tests of type


Tests of samples taken from the seller


Tests of type

Analysis of production

Tests of samples taken from the seller. Analysis of production


Tests of type


Tests of samples production taken from the manufacturer .


Tests of type

Analysis of production

Tests of samples production taken from the manufacturer . Analysis of production


Tests of type


Tests of samples taken from the seller. Tests of samples production taken from the manufacturer .


Tests of type

Analysis of production

Tests of samples taken from the seller and manufacturer . Analysis of production


Tests of type

Certification of production or quality system

Quality system

production or check up. Tests of samples taken from the seller and/or manufacturer .

Check up of certified quality system 


Consideration of application - declaration with attached documents 

Certification of quality system



Tests of lot




Tests of each sample




Consideration of application-declaration with attached documents




Consideration of application-declaration with attached documents

Analysis of production



Consideration of application-declaration with attached documents


Tests of samples taken from the manufacturer or the seller


Consideration of application-declaration with attached documents

Analysis of production

Tests of samples taken from the manufacturer or the seller. Analysis of production


1.        Test of products - tests of manufactured products on the basis of assessment of one or several samples which are their typical representatives

2.        Inspection check up is carried on after issuing the certificate

3.        In schemes 5 and 6 the necessity and volume of tests when inspection check up takes place and place of sampling are determined by the certification body according to the results of inspection control of quality system ( production)

Schemes 1-6, 9a,10 and 10a are used for certification of serial products.

Schemes 7 and 9 are used for certification of a lot of products.

Scheme 8 is used for certification of each article.

Certification schemes for specific products which the Applicant chooses are stated in the Rules and Order of certification of uniform products.

If the results of certification are favorable, the Applicant gets a certificate of conformity (on the basis of which he is entitled (obliged) to mark his products with Mark of Conformity.

The products which have not passed certification cannot be sold in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Declaration of conformity is accepted by the manufacturer /supplier only for the products included into the List of products which conformance can be confirmed by declaration of conformity ( no.287 dated 29.04.02).

Declaration is accepted on the basis of their own evidence of conformity and on the basis of outside evidence including test protocols of accredited testing laboratories, quality system certificates etc.

Declaration of conformity has a legal force together with certificate of conformity.

It is registered in Certification bodies, its validity is established by the declarant.

Exclusively legal persons registered in the RF are entitled to accept declaration of conformity.




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