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Spectrum Policy Initiative for the 21st Century

Federal Agency Strategic Spectrum Plans (November 2007)

As part of the Spectrum Policy Initiative for the 21st Century, key spectrum-using Federal agencies submit biennial agency-specific strategic spectrum plans. 

The following are the Federal agency reports submitted in November, 2007:

Agency Progress Reports for FY08 on the Spectrum Policy Initiative

In addition, the following agencies submitted reports for FY08 on their progress with respect to the Spectrum Policy Initiative:

Further details on the Spectrum Policy Initiative can be obtained from Byron Barker, Chief, Strategic Planning Division, Office of Spectrum Management, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (bbarker@ntia.doc.gov); tel: 202 482 6207; fax: 202 566 2440.

Additional Information

The Federal Strategic Spectrum Plan: The Federal Strategic Spectrum Plan, released in March 2008, provides a comprehensive overview of Federal Spectrum use and sets forth a strategy to ensure that spectrum management will evolve to meet Federal and non-Federal requirements.

Spectrum Management Advisory Committee: The Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee advises the Commerce Department on management of the nation’s airwaves, providing input from technology developers, manufacturers, service providers, state and local public safety and other representatives from the non-Federal sector.

Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test-Bed Pilot Program: The Test-Bed Pilot Program will evaluate the ability of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) devices employing spectrum sensing and/or geo-location techniques to share spectrum with land mobile radio systems operating in the 410-420 MHz band. 

FY2007 Progress Report on the Spectrum Policy Initiative: The progress report provides information on activities within the Federal agencies as well as NTIA on the Spectrum Policy Initiative.

2008 Update to the Implementation Plan:The 2008 Update to the Implementation Plan documents the accomplishments to date with respect to the Spectrum Policy Initiative and provides information on future activities.

Improving International Spectrum Management Policies and Framework, March, 2008: This Report reviews barriers to introduction of U.S. telecommunication technology and services internationally.

Plan to Identify and Implement Incentives that Promote More Efficient and Effective Use of Spectrum

• A Public Safety Sharing Demonstration, June 2007 (the WARN Report)

• Second Annual Progress Report on the President's Initiative: The progress report provides information on activities within the Federal agencies as well as NTIA on the Spectrum Policy Initiative.

• Spectrum Management Workshop: NTIA sponsored a workshop on Improving Spectrum Management through Economic or Other Incentives on February 28 - March 1, 2006 at the National Academy of Sciences. The workshop elicited views and proposals regarding the use of economic or other incentives to increase spectrum management efficiency.
Final agenda [- MS Word -- Acrobat PDF -- ]
Transcript: February 28, 2006 [ -- MS Word -- Acrobat PDF -- ]
Transcript: March 1, 2006 [ -- MS Word -- Acrobat PDF -- ]

Plan to Implement Recommendations of the President's Spectrum Policy Initiative

Text of November 30, 2004, Executive Memorandum on Spectrum Policy Reform [PDF]

Text of May 29, 2003, Executive Memorandum on Spectrum Policy Reform

The Federal Government Spectrum Task Force

NTIA's Public Outreach Program

NTIA's Notice of Inquiry on Spectrum Policy Reform and Comments Received

Links to other Websites

 • Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC) Membership
 • Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
    - FCC Spectrum Policy Task Force Documents
 •  International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
    - ITU Radiocommunications (R) Sector
    - ITU Telecom. Development Bureau (D Sector) 1998 - 2002 (Res. 9 Phase 1)
    - ITU Telecom. Development Bureau (D Sector) 2002 - 2006 (Res. 9 Phase 2)
    - ITU Council
 • National Academy of Sciences
    - NAS Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB)
 • Center for Strategic and International Studies: Spectrum Management
 • United Kingdom Office of Communications (OFCOM)
 • Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)


Link to NTIA Manual of Frequency Management

Spectrum Policy Initiative

Spectrum Chart

Link to US Frequency Allocation Chart

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