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A Statistical Profile of Asian Older Americans Aged 65 and Older


Almost 37.9 million Americans were aged 65 and over in 2007. Three in five people in this age group are women. Over the next forty years, the number of people aged 65 and older is expected to double and the number of people aged 85 and older is expected to triple. Along with general trends for America’s population, the Asian, Hawaiian, and Pacific Island population is living longer.

The Older Asian, Hawaiian, and Pacific island Population: Past, Present, and Future

This chart shows the past and project future growth of the Asian, Hawaiian, and pacific Island elderly population from 0.4 million persons 65 and older in 1990 to 0.8 million in 2000 and projected to be 1.4 million in 2010 and 3.7 million in 2030.

The Asian, Hawaiian and Pacific Island older population was 1.3 million in 2007 and is projected to grow to over 6.8 million by 2050. In 2007, African American persons made up 3.3 percent of the older population. By 2050, the percentage of the older population that is Asian, Hawaiian and Pacific Island is projected to account for 7.8 percent of the older population.


In 2007, 60% of Asian, Hawaiian and Pacific Island elderly lived in just three states: California (41%), Hawaii (9.8%), and New York (9.2%). Other states with significant populations include Texas (4.1%), Illinois (3.9%), New Jersey (3.5%), and Washington (3.3%).

Educational Level

The past four decades have seen a significant increase in educational attainment among older Americans, including Asian older Americans.  In 2007 over 70% of the older Asian population aged 65 and older had finished high school.  Also in 2007, almost 30% of Asian older persons had a bachelor’s degree or higher.

The percent of high school graduates among older Asians is almost as high as the percent of all older persons were high school graduates (75%).  However, the percent of older Asians   in 2007 who had a bachelor’s degree or higher (31%) was over 50% higher than for the overall older population.  Furthermore, the percent of male Asians who had a bachelor’s degree or higher (42%) is 64% higher than for the overall older population (26%).

Living Arrangements

In 2007, 84% of older Asian men lived with their spouses, 6% lived with other relatives, 2 percent lived with non-relatives, and 8 percent lived alone. For older Asian women, 47% lived with their spouses, 30 percent lived with other relatives, 3 percent lived with non-relatives, and 20 percent lived alone.

Income and Poverty

Households containing families headed by Asian persons aged 65+ reported a median income in 2006 of $43,035.  The comparable figure for all older households was $39,649.  The median personal income for Asian men was $18,460 and $11,226 for Asian women.  The comparable figures for all elderly were $23,500 for men and $13,603 for women.

The poverty rate in 2006 for Asian elderly (65 and older) was 12.0% while the rate for all elderly was 9.4%.  The rate for Asian men was 12.2% and the rate for Asian women was 11.8%.  For the overall population, the poverty rate among the elderly was 6.65 for men and 11.5% for women.


Last Modified: 3/10/2009 1:19:39 PM