Uzbekistan: Customs and Tax Incentives For Foreign Investors



December, 2007

Author: Jahangir Kakharov, Bisnis Representative in Uzbekistan




Foreign Investors


This report briefly outlines the main tax and customs incentives available for foreign investors and companies in Uzbekistan. From the view point of Uzbek legislation enterprises with foreign investments (EFI) are those enterprises where at least 30% of statutory capital is composed of foreign investments.  They could be created and may function in any organizational –legal form which doesn’t contradict to Uzbekistan’s legislation.


Foreign investors could be:


EFI to be registered at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its territorial bodies are those newly created enterprises meeting the following criteria:


For the enterprises newly being set up in the territory of Karakalpak Republic and Khoresm region, the criteria are different from the stated above. For these regions the minimum size of statutory capital is the equivalent of $75,000.


Enterprises that do not meet the above stated criteria are not considered as EFI and subject to state registration in municipalities of cities and districts.


Below is the list of preferences specifically set up for EFI and/or foreign investors. This list does not include preferences on separate types of taxes, duties, and other obligatory payments to the budget, foreseen for all enterprises, including EFI.


Tax Privileges for Foreign Investments Made in Some Regions of Uzbekistan


A President’s Resolution as of April 11, 2005 stipulates that direct foreign investments (existing or new) into certain areas of economy (production of computer components, textiles, construction materials, dairy products etc.) without the guarantee assurances of the Government of Uzbekistan are entitled to tax holidays on profits, property, and certain other taxes provided that a number of other conditions are met, such as a requirement to reinvest income generated from such privileges into the development of this entity.


Starting from July 1, 2005, EFI created in the certain regions of Uzbekistan (Republic of Karakalpakistan and Djizak, Kashkadarya, Syrdarya, Surhandadya, Khorezm, Navoi, Andijan, Namangan and Fergana provinces) are exempt from profit tax, property tax, tax for development of social infrastructure, single tax payment, and obligatory payment to the Republican Road Fund. The duration of these tax privileges depends of the size of direct foreign investments:



The main conditions for the use of the above mentioned tax privileges are the following:


State Investment Program


Every year the Government enacts an “Investment Program” listing those projects deemed to be of most significance to the Uzbek economy. These are usually multi-million dollar investment projects involving production enterprises with foreign investments (PEFIs) – EFI that receives over 60% of its revenues from the sale of products which it has produced or the sale of its services.


Inclusion in the Investment Program does not automatically entitle a particular project to tax or other incentives (except in so far as a PEFI which is included in the Investment Program is automatically entitled to a seven-year profits tax holiday). Rather, projects included in the Investment Program are simply eligible for incentives at the discretion of the Government.


The Government may grant the following incentives to investors participating in the Investment Program: temporary tax holidays, a favorable tax regime, accelerated amortization of assets, customs preferences, and others. To obtain these benefits a participant in the Investment Program is required to obtain a special Government resolution.


Localization (Import Substitution) Program


If foreign investments are made in projects included in the Localization Program, these legal entities are exempt from profit tax & single tax (for entities, using simplified system of taxation) for period of 5 years. In addition, legal entities with foreign investments are exempt from customs duties for imported technological equipment and its spare parts, as well as material and components, not produced in the country and used in technological process for producing of a localized product for period of 5 years, if foreign investments are directed to projects included in the list of Localization Program.


Some other preferences for EFI in Localization Program include:


EFI Investing in the Textile Sector


These EFIs are exempt from payment of any taxes and payments except for VAT until January 1, 2009. This is purposeful privilege – funds freed due to exemption must be directed at technical re-equipment and modernization of production, developing new types of finished products, expansion of working capital, and creating incentives for employees.


Exemptions from Payment of Customs Duties and VAT


Following imports by foreign investors are exempt from paying customs duties:


Foreign Investors Engaged in Exploration and Prospecting Works                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


Foreign companies engaged in exploration and prospecting of natural resources are provided the most favored nation treatment which ensures:



Foreign companies attracted for prospecting and exploratory works in oil and gas are exempt from:


Joint ventures on extraction of oil and gas formed with engagement of foreign companies, involved in prospecting and exploratory works on oil and gas, are exempt from:



By a special resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, a company with foreign investment may be granted extra tax exemptions and other benefits, depending upon the importance of the company’s project to the Government, the volume of the investment to be made, and other factors. An investment program of US$ 20 million or more requires the consent of the Cabinet of Ministers.


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