Торговое  представительство

Российской Федерации


Trade Representation

of the Russian Federation

in the USA

2001 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC, 20008,USA

tel. - (202) 232-5988         fax - (202) 232-2917          E-mail: rustrade@verizon.net




Dear Sirs,


The Trade Representation of the Russian Federation would like to inform you, that the 6-th international investment forum “KUBAN 2007” is to be held from September 20 to 23, 2007 in Sochi on the Black Sea coast of Krasnodar Region in Russia. The Forum, initiated by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russia, currently has the status of annual, All-Russia and international event. President of Russia V. Putin, almost all federal ministers and key figures of Russian business visited forum “KUBAN 2006”. The organizers of the Forum would be glad to meet the representatives of  US companies and organizations in Sochi.

You can find more detailed information about the event at the website of the Forum – www.forumkuban.ru (English version). 

Should you have further questions please contact the organizer directly          e-mail: tppkk@tppkkuban.ru or forum@forumkuban.ru. The contact person – General director of OOO “Forum-Kuban” TKACHENKO Yuriy Nikolaevich.

         In an effort to attract the US participants we would be obliged if you find it possible to spread the information using your contacts and communication links.



                                                                          Andrey P. Dolgorukov

                                                                          Trade Representative

                                                                           of  the Russian Federation

                                                                           in the USA,
