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American Values, American Jobs

Cable, Broadcasting & DTV

Every day tens of millions of Americans switch on radio and television sets for news, weather, and entertainment. Radio and television are a part of our daily routines and a staple of our culture. Today these media services are being transformed by the same digital revolution that is bringing us new media choices via the Internet.

Minority Telecommunications Development Program

The Minority Telecommunications Development Program (MTDP) was established in 1978 to develop programs and policies to increase minority ownership of broadcast and telecommunications businesses.

MTDP provides policy input for the development of legislation and regulations that affect minority business participation in the telecommunications industry.

MTDP periodically researches and drafts reports tracking minority ownership in broadcasting. NTIA released the last report in December 2000, which was titled Changes, Challenges, and Charting New Courses: Minority Commercial Broadcast Ownership in the United States.

MTDP examines trends and business opportunities in telecommunications for minority entrepreneurs.

MTDP Resource Center

Digital Television Service

The Telecommunications Act of 1996
authorized the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to license part of the public's electromagnetic spectrum to thousands analog television licensees for the transition to digital television services.

Digital television can provide sharp images that rival the movie theater experience if used in its high definition mode. DTV can also offer CD-quality sound. It can provide new uses such as multiple video programs or other services on a single television channel, including data services, and interactive capability. NTIA has played an active role in the development of digital television and public policy. NTIA's Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS) developed the signal propagation models used by the FCC to establish the digital table of allocations. It also developed new techniques to measure the quality of digital video pictures on television monitors, among other devices (press release). Hundreds of digital television stations are already in operation in markets serving almost all of U.S. television households. The Administration will continue to monitor developments and encourage its successful deployment, which will result in reclaimed radio spectrum for other important services, including public safety.

Pursuant to the Digital Television and Public Safety Act of 2005, full power television stations will cease analog brodcasting and return their analog channels so those channels can be put to other uses. See Digital Television Transition and Public Safety Frequently Asked Questions.

NTIA Filings on Mass Media

  • Broadcast Ownership Rules: Ex Parte Letter to the FCC from Secretary Donald L. Evans in MM Docket No.02-277, "Review of the Commission's Broadcast Ownership Rules and Other Rules Adopted Pursuant to Section 202 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996."

For more information

Useful Links on Mass Media

Mass Media archive

For more information contact:

Cable, Broadcasting & DTV: Tim Sloan, tsloan@ntia.doc.gov
DTV: Alfred Lee, alee@ntia.doc.gov

Office of Policy Analysis and Development
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce
14th St. & Constitution Ave., NW, Room 4725
Washington, D.C. 20230
Voice: (202) 482-1880 · Fax: (202) 482-6173
E-mail: webopad@ntia.doc.gov

Digital TV Transition & Public Safety

The Internet domain that parents and children can trust: kids.us!

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National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230