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NTIA has been at the forefront of the Administration's efforts to facilitate the development of broadband networks and services. The agency has supported policies that would make it easier for new competitors to enter the market and offer advanced broadband services. NTIA has also recommended regulatory changes that would enable incumbent local telephone companies to provide such services on a less-regulated basis, subject to safeguards to protect competition. Finally, NTIA continues to explore how to ensure affordable access by all Americans to broadband services.

Speeches on Broadband

Policies that Fuel New Technology Adoption:Associate Administrator, Office of Policy Analysis and Development Eric Stark at the Executive Summit on Technology Transfer: Crossing the Valley of Death, in Seattle, Washington on July 24, 2008.
[ -- HTML -- MS PowerPoint -- Acrobat PDF -- ]
Posted 09-04-2008

Focus on Broadband: Assistant Secretary Michael D. Gallagher presented the plenary address on Focus on Broadband at the US-European Commission Information Society dialogue talks in Washington, D.C. on December 20, 2005
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Posted 12-21-2005

Promoting U.S. Broadband Deployment and Economic Growth: Deputy Assistant Secretary John Kneuer spoke at the Mississippi Technology Alliance Sixth Annual Conference on High Technology on November 9, 2005.
[ -- HTML -- MS PowerPoint -- Acrobat PDF -- ]

Promoting Broadband Deployment Across America
: Assistant Secretary Michael Gallagher discussed Promoting Broadband Deployment Across America at the Western Telecommunications Alliance 2005 Annual Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, on November 7, 2005.
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Posted 11-08-2005

Broadband over Power Line: Assistant Secretary Michael Gallagher spoke on Broadband over Power Line at a seminar hosted by Perkins Coie, CLE International and Idacom.
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Posted 09-16-2005

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP): Assistant Secretary Michael D. Gallagher spoke on "VoIP: The Catalyst for Universal, Affordable Broadband Access by 2007" at the Voice on the Net 2005 Spring Conference. (3/10/05)
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Federal Rights-of-Way: Senior Advisor Meredith Attwell spoke on "Improving Federal Rights-of-Way Management to Spur Broadband Deployment" at the International Right-of-Way Association, Washington, DC. (2/2/05)
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Broadband Deployment in Rural America: Assistant Secretary Michael D. Gallagher spoke on "Promoting Broadband Deployment in Rural America" at the Bucks for Broadband Summit, Frankfort, Kentucky. (1/12/05)
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Reports on Broadband:

Improving Rights-of-Way Management Across Federal Lands: A Roadmap for Greater Broadband Deployment, April 2004.

The Broadband Over Power Lines (BPL) Phase 1 Report (NTIA Report 04-413) is posted in various formats at http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/fccfilings/2004/bpl/index.html, April 27, 2004.

NTIA and USDA's Rural Utilities Services Report, Advanced Telecommunications in Rural America, The Challenge of Bringing Broadband Service to all Americans, April 2000.

See Also:

Other useful Links

Broadband Archive: Speeches and Filings

Federal and Local Rights-of-Way

For more information contact:

Jim McConnaughey (jmcconnaughey@ntia.doc.gov)
Tim Sloan (tsloan@ntia.doc.gov)

Office of Policy Analysis and Development

National Telecommunications & Information Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room 4725
Washington, D.C. 20230
voice: (202) 482-1880 · fax: (202) 482-6173
E-mail: webopad.ntia.doc.gov


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